Chapter One

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"The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."

-Thomas Dekker

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IN THIS TOWN, I STAND OUT LIKE A RAY OF SUNSHINE ON A CLOUDY DAY. Even though, I've been here for almost three months. The brisk wind wraps around Hollows Field, a simple ancestral town, which is bordered by a sea of green that gives off a mystic appearance. Newly fallen snow seems to cast a light fog over the town, enhancing the mysticism.

The buildings of the town have been modernized since my last visit, which has to be about four to five years ago. Common town buildings line the streets-a fire station, police station, town hall, and senior center. However, they've added newer locales like the movie theater, a few bookstores, and restaurants surround the budding shops.

"Since you'll be starting school in a few days, I want to make sure you have everything and a few new winter outfits," Aunt Sasha says, walking down the endless sidewalk as I trail behind her.

"Okay, that sounds good." I pause before asking, "Does everyone know about my mom, the fire, and that I'm her daughter?" My heart pounds to my ears as the thoughts spin through my head.

Deep breath. Just hold it together.

In front of me, Aunt Sasha stops. She bites her lip, stopping the frown from appearing. "Yes, darling, you're the talk of the town, and this town in full of gossip. No one has ever thought that a Woods relative would come back to Hollows Field."

"Should I prepare for the worst?"

She cracks a smile. "No! Of course not, you should expect the complete opposite. Your new classmates are going to be eager to find out who you pick to be in your coven. Expect celebrity treatment from everyone, but remember that not everyone can be trusted."

"Do you know how many times I've heard that? It's way too many to even count. The thought makes my head hurt."

Aunt Sasha chuckles at me before turning around and continuing to saunter around the town. I watch the snow move through the air with such grace and elegance. It covers the natural scenery, shimmering in the sunlight. After living in Georgia, I tend to forget how amazing snowfall is. The snow continues to tumble to the ground while we walk into one of the boutiques.

"Welcome to Chic La Boutique, I'm Giselle. What can I help you ladies find today?"

"My niece here will be starting school in a few days, and she came to live with us from Georgia. So she has no winter clothes."

"We can't have that. You'll freeze here! It's a good thing you came to my boutique then, because I'm stock up on all the latest fashions. No other place in town has such good fashion for this price. I guarantee it," Giselle says, walking around the store, picking up various items of clothing, and placing them in one of the dressing rooms.

Apparently, I'm going to have to try on clothes for them-well, I might as well put on a good show.

The first outfit is horrendous, and I'm being nice. The gray boyfriend sweater clashes against my lightly tan skin. I might have lived in Georgia, but not everyone tans and some people just burn, like me. The dark skinny jeans make my thighs look massive, but they do make my calves look wonderful. Seven years of being a cyclist has killed my shopping experience with jeans. If I would've known that cycling makes your thighs a massive wall of muscle, I would've said no thank you. However, the bright red pumps are to die for.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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