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  Ginoza and Akane unpacking and sorting things out within Masaoka's former quarters.  

How it all began, she never knew. The only time she had an inclination of the possibility began when she took the initiative to clean out Masaoka's cell a few months after Kougami left for good.

A few stacks of DVDs, paperback books, notepads and other things were made into piles on the floor. She considered taking some of them to the small apartment she had at the time. As she rummaged through the deceased veteran's property, she caught sight of a stack of framed paintings that had been set aside and hidden from the view of visitors. Oil canvases that had been intricately painted with clear dedication by Masaoka, with each subject matter varying from still life to landscape views she had never seen before. And then, she saw one portrait that stood out from the rest. The simple beauty depicted on the canvas spoke louder than words to her, showing her the effort, dedication and love that Masaoka had given in order to bring this particular painting into life. With all things considered, she felt that in the end, Ginoza should be the one to decide which of these things should be discarded.

And so, when the newly appointed enforcer entered his new cell, Akane then dragged him to the pile of things that Masaoka had left behind. Save for the alcohol that he was definitely going to keep, Ginoza who was still recovering from everything that had happened, was at a loss on deciding which of these items he was going to have to throw out.

The melancholy that was reflected in his eyes made her doubt whether it was a good idea to show him the things that his father had left behind.

"Should I leave you alone?"

She asked him.

He shook his head despite the pained expression.

"No, its fine," he said.

Their relationship was rocky at best; as it was difficult to interact with him when they were still equal in rank and status. It was difficult to eve as of now in trying to find a common ground between them in order to break the ice. The only times they've ever had a proper exchange of conversations was whenever it was work related or whenever there was a case involved.

And so with that said, to Tsunemori, it was the first time for her to see him with his guard down when it came down to handling his emotions.

He crouched on the ground, inspecting the contents of each pile. With the cardboard box adjacent to him, he placed a few of these items into the box, setting aside the rest to be thrown into the incinerator. She saw the hesitation in his gestures with each discarded item, glancing at him from time to time as she worries how he was coping with everything that's happened.

"I'm alright," he said so suddenly. "Something like this... it's something that can't be helped."

"Mm," she nodded at his words cautiously.

"...Under normal circumstances, normally we'd have drones clear out an enforcer's belongings once they're gone..."

She didn't utter a word as she listened.

"You didn't have to," he looked at her in the eye briefly. "You didn't have to wait for me to clear these things out."

"But," she said hesitantly. "He's your father, isn't he?"

He winced a little at her words.

"Ah," he scoffed a little. "So you've heard."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. But somewhere down the line, I realized what Masaoka-san was to you."

She lowered her head before him, expecting him to give her a cold shoulder or lash out at her. And yet instead, he said to her;

"Thank you, Tsunemori."

Psycho-Pass: Ginaka (Ginoza Nobuchika x Akane Tsunemori) one-shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant