Chapter 1: Sister

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           DISCLAIMER: This is an 18+ lemon story, I ask all expecting a non lemon story to please leave and I also ask to pass no hard judgement upon this, this is a lemon sex story for those with particular tastes and if you do not enjoy this story you have a right to leave and I ask those who come here with particular tastes to please enjoy - Extra_Plot                                                                                                                                                                                  You grew up with Camilla she was a very loving sister, She would never let anyone hurt you hell she would be the only person who she accepted to be near you. Camilla would always say how much she loved you and how she would do ANYTHING for you, and a guy could get the wrong idea from that and hell no one could blame you she has huge titties and a fat ass and to be fair you and her aren't even related. You haven't said anything though but it's still unnerving seeing her strut around and smother with her breasts, luckly you've learned quite a bit of self restraint. But in moments like these it's pretty frustrating, now Camilla is quite smothering you with her massive titties and your running out of breath. "Ohh Y/N I'm so happy to see you!" "Have you missed your sister?" You let out a muffled noise sort of like a moan and like a gasp for air. "Oh Y/N!" "Are you ok, I'm so sorry?" "I would never do anything to hurt you, do you forgive me?" The room is silent aside from your gasping for air, and Camilla is bent over with her hands cupped like in prayer and her knees are together and her face looks sad as if you would not forgive her she would cry. "I'm ok just a little winded from your boobs you say with a smirk." "I'm so sorry please Y/N can you forgive me?" "You've done nothing wrong, you did not hurt me if anything you made feel better so of course I forgive you." "Oh thank you Y/N if there's anything I can do for you just please ask!" "Well you can shove your huge tiddies in my face again." Camilla's face goes red. "Y/N what do you mean are you ill, do you need a doctor?" "Camilla, I'm fine in fact I'm better than fine, I just can't keep my urges in." Camilla grew a smile "ANYTHING for my Y/N."

Camilla x Male Reader Fire Emblem Fates LemonWhere stories live. Discover now