Her name is Violet

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**Written by DearestAngelica *


Evan Hansen shot up in bed and turned to his pregnant wife beside him."Zoe, are you okay? What is it, what's happening?!" he said. "C-con-contr-AGHH!!!" He knew immediately what she was trying to say. Contractions. He took her hand and they breathed together while Evan pulled out his phone to time the, doing his best not to panic. The first lasted 60 seconds, and then 2 minutes later there was another one, and following hat there was another. He scribbled this all down on piece of paper, and remembered that when contraction lasted 45-60 seconds and are 2-3 minutes apart, it usually meant-

"Zoe, we need to get in the car now!!!'I think- I think, I THINK YOU'RE GOING INTO LABOR!"

**time skip brought to you by that guy from your school, Jared Kleinman**

The two expecting parents sat in the waiting room. Zoe was trying to calm herself down by doing what she did as hobby since Evan had a cast on his arm in high school, doodle flowers on his arm. Her favorite were violets and she took deep breaths in and out as she colored in the purple flowers on her husband's upper arm until the pain was so bad she had to stop. At last the nurses called them back and brought them into the room where the baby would be given birth to. The kind nurse made small talk with the young couple. "Do you know whether it will be a boy or a girl yet?" she asked smiling.Evan answered, "The said ultrasound said boy." "Aw, that's lovely. What will you name him?" "Michael Jared Hansen" Zoe said. "Is Jared a family name, or you just liked it...." Both said, "We know a Jared." at the same time before laughing softly. "He is quite the character."Evan added. The pregnant then seemed to remember something." Evan we should call your-"

"My mom is on the way, she  came as soon as she heard." Zoe smiled. Evan continued "Should we call....them?" Her face fell. The Murphy's hadn't spoken to them for years, and their daughter had always been to afraid they would still hold a grudge against the person who lied to them after their son died. "We'll send them something afterwards,later." Evan would have discussed it more, but the doctor then entered with a hurried look on his face. "Due to some unexpected complications I've found, we need to deliver this baby right now."

**time skip brought to you by the map that nobody seems to have at the top of the show**

"Mr. Hansen?"

Evan was sitting in the special family waiting room with his mother, who had seen Zoe briefly before coming to sit with Evan. The doctor had ordered that no one but the nurses and other medical assistants would be allowed in the room. They had been told the baby had been delivered, but still no one could see the child or the mother. Evan stood."Yes?"

"You may see your wife now."

Evan walked followed her into the place where he saw his tired wife lying on a hospital bed. He immediately hugged and kissed her, and she embraced him back. Evan looked around,"Where is-'

"Your baby has been taken to the nursery, she's in good hands." The new mother squeezed his hands and said,"I saw her, she's beautiful."

"Her? Don't you mean-"

"Mr. and Mrs. Hansen! You need to hear this, time is of the essence. Mrs. Hansen, you have a serious blood issue that must be operated on within the hour. We hardly delivered your child safely, and if we do nothing this will be fatal. I am obligated to tell you that the surgery has a 0.5 survival rate, death is very, very likely, but certain otherwise. We must get you in there in the next 15 minutes, so we must prepare you now."

Evan began to panic. No, no, he was not going to lose her, the one light in his life, at times the oly thing that kept him going. He looked into her eyes and her expression was surprisingly calm. zoe grabbed a pad of paper and quickly wrote four letters, lingering over the last one.

To Heidi

To Mom

To Dad

To my new, precious baby

"Evan, if I die-

"Don't say that."

"Evan." She looked into his eyes gently took his hands. "For as long as we've been together, whenever the world became too much we shut out the world and it was only us. Now, it's time for you to let go of me. And whenever it's too much, I know you'll have someone to be only us with." she said softly, handing him the letters with the last one on top. He nodded with tears rolling down his face and sobs in his throat. "I love you." she whispered. "I love you." he said back, seeing her subtle, perfect, real smile for what he know knew in his heart would be the last time. As he stood from her bed, he again said, "I love you." As he he saw her being rolled to the operation room, he repeated, "I love you." And when he was alone in the hallway, knowing she was truly gone, he whispered,

"I love you."

**time skip brought to you by the tears I'm crying as I write this**

Heidi handed her son the birth record papers from the nurse."Hon, they need a name in the next 24 hours. I know this is hard, but you have to. Maybe you'd like to see her first before you name your daughter?" Evan looked at her in disbelief. "Girl? " His mother nodded. "Zoe gave birth to a beautiful baby girl." He allowed himself to be led over to his daughter.

She was gorgeous. Her eyes fluttered open and anyone could see they were the same color as his, but the thin layer of hair on her head was inherited from her mom. He slowly picked her up and sat down with her. She was calm, as if she recognized his voice from all the times he had spoke to her while she was in the womb. Evan Hansen started to feel the pieces of his broken heart being melted together thanks to this gift. Her tiny hand traced up his arm, longing to explore the purple  drawings on his skin he had forgotten about. Heidi walked back over and asked,"Any name ideas?" He nodded. "Violet. Violet Zoe Hansen." Heidi, after telling him how wonderful the name was, wrapped her son and granddaughter in a hug.

"Mom? Can you do me one more favor, please?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Can you tell Jared the baby isn't going to be named after him?"

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