Markiplier One-Shot #4

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*Sarah's POV*

I wake up to the sound of the alarm on my phone going off. Rolling over onto my side to check the time, I suddenly realize that I'm visiting my friend Mark today to play some games and a couple other things. I get up to go make myself some breakfast, but get interrupted by my phone ringtone going off, it's Mark! "Hey Mark!" I say energetically. "Hey, you still coming over today at 12?" Mark asks. "Yup, just starting to get ready" I say. "Okay I have a couple different things planned for us. See you soon" Mark replies, ending the call. After I finish my breakfast, I take a quick shower and get dressed in my Markiplier hoodie and my black jeans, not forgetting my signature converse, that I wear with almost every outfit.

(Time Skip)

*Mark's POV*

Realizing I forgot to clean my apartment for Sarah to come over, I quickly pick up around my office and livingroom, and kinda throw everything in my storage closet so she doesn't have to see a giant mess of an apartment when she walks in. I want to impress her as much as I possibly can, even though she is my "friend", I still have feelings for her, maybe even in that special way too. When I finished cleaning, I run into my bathroom checking my hair for the 3rd time, making sure it's standing up in it's quiff that it does when I actually try and put effort into it. While putting more hair gel in, I hear my doorbell ring, "Shit, that's probably Sarah. I hope I look okay...." I think to myself, running downstairs. I take a deep breath and open the door to see Sarah. "Hey Mark!" Sarah say excitedly, giving me a big hug. I start to blush a bit by her sweet hug. 

After inviting Sarah in, we sit down in my livingroom and talk a bit before we start playing some games.

(Time Skip)

*Sarah's POV*

 "Starting in 3...2...1. Hello Everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Slender, where I have with me my very good friend Sarah." Mark says poitng to me. I wave to the webcam and shyly say "Hello". "Now Sarah has played and beaten this game before, but I still haven't so she's gonna help me look for pages, so let's get into the game." Mark says, starting the game. After about 1 to 2 minutes of playing, I found a page that Mark walked by. "Mark, you just missed one." I say, pointing at the screen in the direction of where the page is. When Mark picked up the page, the music immediately started playing and the tone of the game got a lot scarier. I've played many horror games before, personally I love them. But I still get scared while playing them.

(Time Skip)

"Ok Mark, don't freak out but I think he's behind you." I say. Mark looks behind him like an imbecile and screams. "YUP HE'S BEHIND ME! AAAAANNNNNNDDDD I'm dead." I shake my head in shame. "We've been playing for like 40 minutes and you only collected 4 pages before dying, Good Job!" I say sarcasticly. After Mark ends the video, I'm interupted as I'm getting up from his seat. "Wait, I have one more game I want you to play!" Mark exclaims. "Which one?" I ask, cocking my head to the side in confusion."It's a game that just came out yesterday, it's called Five Night's At Freddie's. It's a horror game and I know you haven't played it yet." Mark says, pulling up the game on his desktop. In my mind, I started to get a bit worried but it's just a horror game, how bad can it be.

(TIme Skip)

*Mark's POV*

"No no no no no no, I only have 5 percent power left and it's only 4 o clock!" Sarah yells. I start to laugh at her freaking out. As the power runs down, the screen goes black and Freddy appears playing his music to the side as I just wait for the jumpscare that I know is coming. The music plays for a few seconds and the screen goes completely black again. Freddy jumps up in the screen and screams into her headphones. Sarah jumps from her chair and shrieks from being frightened. She covers her face with her hands in embarrassment. I can tell she's quite embarrassed so I turn off the webcam and bend down to hug her. "Are you okay?" I ask. She wraps her arm around my neck pulling me closer to her. "Yeah, but can we just go watch something on Netflix......something a bit more calm?" Sarah asks, still hugging me. "Yeah come on, let's go down stairs." I say, taking her hand.

(Time Skip)

I ordered a pizza for Sarah and I to share while we watched some of her favorite show, Adventure Time. We ate pizza and watch Netflix for a while until I noticed it was getting late. I looked down at my lap noticing that Sarah had fallen asleep. I grabbed a pillow from my reach and tried sliding it under her head, trying not to wake her up, but being the idiot I am, I did anyway. "Oh my god Mark I'm so sorry, did I fall asleep on you?" Sarah asks. "No no it's okay, don't say sorry. I didn't mind at all!" I said, smiling at her. She smiled back at me, her cheeks turning a bright pink color. I put the pillow down on my lap and said, "Here ya go". Sarah  smiles at me and laps back down on the pillow. I slowly put my arm around her, resting it on her side. We ended up sleeping there the whole night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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