In or Out

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In the dark woods
I walk fighting roots
Branches in my way
Leaves covering the way
Welcoming me like a queen
And the leaves like flowers
I search for the quest
Not letting myself rest
I let the floor poke me
I let the twigs scratch me
I let the rain wet me
I let the sun exhaust me
I finally reach the maze
I dodge the trees & gaze
I stand in awe, looking
At my reflection in the mirror
I was looking dreadful
Scars all over me
But where is the quest
I finally settle to rest
Then I found the quest
It lie deep in me
All this in the outside
While it lies inside
Like you search the world
I searched in the forest
Now spread the word
It is in you it rests.

walking aloneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora