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Sixteen years old Noah Ryder was having a really bad day...well more like a really bad life. When he was a baby his parents were killed in a car crash (through aunt always tried to tell him they were drunks something told him she was wrong) he was left with his relatives who despite claiming they took him in out of the kindness of their hearts (which he seriously doubted. He knew someone or something was threatening them, his basement allowed him to hear almost everything in the house including them arguing about why they couldn't get rid of him. Then today he cousin had ambushed him and held him down even going as far as to pull a knife so "everyone will know you're a freak" before he slashed Noah's eye. Luckily for him, it seemed most of his gang didn't expect him to actually cut Noah so they ran and grabbed an adult causing Mark and his remaining gang to bolt. Noah took his chance and ran far away from his so-called family even if he went back home he would probably be scolded for ruining his cousin's knife.

He stumbled into the woods when he came across what seemed to be a giant robot dead body before he saw it moved and realized it was alive. When the robot lying on the ground called out to him Noah moved closer, then a piece of the robot body peeled off and was caught by the wind like he was made out of burnt metal or firewood. Noah bent down and told him he was going to get help when the robot grabbed him with surprising strength. Noah struggled but Robot the just pulled him closer, he watched with horrified fascination first with the fact that the robot's eyes were blood red and purple with strange markings then as he pulled out his own eye and shrinks it. Reaching towards Noah, the robot let go of his shirt but for some reason, he was still stuck and unable to escape. Noah felt the robot's hand reach into his eye socket and pull out his ruined eye.

Then the hand holding the robot's eye began to glow green before he placed it on Noah's head. When he pulled back he was surprised he was able to see out of his eye again yet everything looked strange more clear and slower as if it was all moving through syrup. He looked at the robot's body and recoiled it looked like he was being eaten from the inside out.

Than agony enveloped him, his right eye burned as he fell to the ground clutching his newly acquired eye. Unknown to him that the CNA had first turned the eye into his own making a part of his DNA and unknowing adding the power of the primes, Primus, and Unicron to his body but by doing so it reactivated the Ryder family curse of eyesight. The reason all Ryder men were forced to wear glasses. The blood virus sensing an attack on its charge also reacted. The three types of powers fighting left a strange result. His entire body began to burn as his new powers were forced to make energy coils to allow his body to survive the transplanting of the eye, this would have been impossible if it was not for the minute residue of primus and Unicron blood and power, the creator and The Destroyer source of all energy. Of course, there needed to be a source of energy for these coils to draw from so they tried for Noah's core but that was not Energon. Realizing its charge was about to die the blood virus abandoned their nearly successful attempt to destroy the curse, and began to force Noah's core to adapt.

When all was said and done Noah had an almost completely new layout of Powers. It had merged with his new energy to form some kind of hybrid of the two. Now Noah could perform anything by just thought alone, in a result of his eyes, his left eye no longer had the family curse in a way it was the good thing. When Noah opened his eyes he saw that barely any time had passed before his eyes landed on the robot who gave him his new eye. Only for them to widen in horror as he saw that there was now a gaping hole in his chest and he looked like the slightest breeze would shatter him. The robot smiled at him seeing he was awake. "How am I lucky to have found someone like you to keep my legend lives but I know you face much hardship in and I'm sorry for that...goodbye and good luck... my child?" the robot said before he started to rust and shattered into thousands of flakes and scattering to the winds. Noah closed his eyes and looked down after a few moments he realized it was raining. Opening his eyes he saw that no it wasn't rain, he was... crying? He wiped away his tears in surprise. He couldn't remember the last time he cried, it never solved any of his problems so eventually, and he just stopped crying.

Noah got up on to his feet and started to walk to who knows where buts better than here as he has his whole life before him and he needs to master his new powers that kind robot gave him. Look out world Noah Ryder is coming for you.

Transformer's prime a stole spark (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now