Dead Asleep

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Cold air forced it's way into my lungs, bringing back the life i seemingly lacked, only to be trumped by the unforeseen tremors that shook my body. The thick silence that enveloped me and everything else that had the misfortune to be in the darkness of this unknown place vanished and was soon replaced by my choking and violent gasps for breath. 

 I let out a feeble croak and instinctively attempted to lift a hand to my very sore throat  as a result of my restricted access to the strangely sweet smelling air that i so desperately needed .Key word; attempted. My hands refused to move, as if an invisible boulder of some sort kept them captive and rendered them immobile. I soon realized that the rest of me was in the same bothersome condition.

Confusion filtered through to my conscious mind as i started to ponder my current predicament, my thoughts were swiftly cut off as gut wrenching pain flared up in my head, like a thousand little knives stabbing away at my already damaged mind. A piercing shriek rang through the surrounding area from deep within my throat to my annoyance, seeing as it still felt sore and even more so now. 

The hairs on my neck stood up sensing the pain about to come. I braced myself for the wave of pain that came over me, promptly followed by convulsions and frantic coughs. yet another surge of pain rolled over my strained form as if my body was rejecting something, rejecting the very devilry in my being.

 A thick black liquid found it's way out of my mouth and trailed down my jaw until it pooled at the base of the stiff rock slab beneath me. I took no notice of the blood, obviously distracted by the fiery pain that engulfed me at the moment. I gritted my teeth ,to the point where i was numb to the pain, no longer distracting me from the ache i struggled to endure making my back arch swiftly, lifting my body off the ground for less than a second before ramming back into the hard concrete with much more force than i would have liked, considering it brought added pain to my misery.

 I  soon felt a tingling sensation spread through out my body to the tips of my toes, briefly numbing all my pain. Before a feeling of gratitude could surface, i once again felt the all to familiar ache in my strained and weakened body. 

Then it clicked as my mother's teachings came to mind.

My life force was fighting in my stead for the reason being that i was weak and writhing in a pathetic heap of misery on the unusually smooth rock slab. The only thing that i couldn't grasp was why?

Why would my spiritual form be fighting for me? How was it fighting for me? Even with the strange cloud of darkness that followed me all my life, i wasn't a witch nor was i a celestial being of any kind as those where the only exceptions where your soul would gifted with the ability to commune with you, not to mention defending you against other forces, according to my mother. 

I quickly grew frustrated. There was absolutely no explanation for this, it simply wasn't possible. Yet i was witnessing it happen right now. 

  Now not only did i have to suffer through such brutal torture but i also had to ponder over the fact that my soul should not  be able to protect me, nevertheless i remained attestant to my soul battling it out with some uncharted energy for the right to stay in my body, with tenacity so fierce it disturbed me to the point where i had to push all other questioning thoughts to the very back of my mind but made a mental note to find answers to the many questions i had.

The two forces struggled back and forth tirelessly for control of me, leaving more damage in their wake, the searing pain in my head increased to an almost unbearable amount as the battle between the two energies intensified. The unknown force seemed to hold more power than should be possible, for all witches and others of the magical race were long hunted and terminated and most all celestial beings swore severance from the races that remained because of their disapproval of the mass hunting and hatred they harbored for each other. So there was no reason for it to be so powerful. Unless dark magic was involved, but i doubted it, surely no one was stupid enough to dabble in such sources. And perhaps that sounded a bit rich coming from me, considering my history of having dark tendencies but i definitely wouldn't be dumb enough to fuck with that kind of power, even if i was a trained warrior in my own right. I preferred to be smart about the fights i picked and i undoubtedly would not be starting things i couldn't finish anytime soon.

  What shocked me to no extent however was that my life form adequately matched that power and fought just as fervently. As if the more it fought, the stronger and more sure of it's attacks it was. 

Snapping me out of my thoughts, my back abruptly arched once more, contorting and writhing about in agony. Soon after my unnaturally pitch black eyes flashed the brightest shade of silver imaginable and a howl coated in anguish and misery now recognized as mine echoed through out the dense woodland. Tears and sweat alike streamed down my face, soaking my fanned out straight and ridiculously long raven black hair while my body tried to control the vile torture i endured for who knows how long. 

My wails soon turned placid and even until i couldn't hear my pained screams anymore. An  unexpected verve surged trough me and filled my veins, pumping energy and vitality to every inch of my body till it finally reached my heart, ending all pain as if it wasn't there to begin with.  Left in it's place was unsolicited power and new found determination to find my mother and get answers to my never ending questions.

But first, to get the fuck out of here. At the thought i got up so swiftly, you could have missed it if you blinked. Not even bothering to question the sudden burst of unnatural speed, i lifted my head to scout out my surroundings only to find that the dirt and trees that enclosed me had vanished and in their place was a thick endless dark void .

"What. The. Fuck."


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Bye you lovely Potatos and Humans 

Love you<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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