Chapter 3

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-Soul's POV-

Black*Star can really get on everyone's nerves most of the time, right? Well sometimes he gets to certain levels of annoyance that I want to beat the crap out of him, and right now is that time.

"Well, how'd you like some cake?" I say, trying to keep my cool. "yeah!" Maka says, her smile widening. "NO! It's asymmetrical!!" Kid yells, sobbing into the carpet. "We don't have time to get another, we all have school." Liz said mater-of-factly. "But..B-but..." Kid stammered.

"No Kid, now." I say. he sighs, getting up and brushing down his suit. "Fine, for Maka." he states. Maka nods towards him as a thank you, smiling beautifully, like usual.

The cake was sponge, with white chocolate middle and milk chocolate sprinkles on top and 16 candles on top. Tsubaki, Liz and Patty made it themselves, but I don't think Patty done anything because it hasn't got giraffe's on the top of it. Tsunami brought the cake to the coffee table, the 16 candles on top aflame brightly, lighting up Maka's beautiful face. God, she's so pretty it's hard to not leap onto her and kiss her.

But I keep my cool, and stay kneeling in front of the cake opposite her.

-Maka's POV-

The cake was beautiful. All my friends were here, Soul was here..

I looked at him over my cake. His silky white hair was framing is strong and well defined face. His rich red eyes were staring directly into mine, and he was smiling that not normal sweet smile, not his usual crooked grin. I smiled back, I didn't mean to but it just happened. He's being weird today...

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