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naomi's P.O.V:

well, today it is my second day at my new school in arizona. the first day was pretty lit. i thought it was going to be shit, but to my surprise- it wasn't bad! i am not a very shy person really so i wasn't very nervous on my first day- but i was still quite nervous because i didn't know anyone.

well- i had met hannah last month when i first moved here. luckily for me, she lives in the street right next to mine- so i walked to school with her. she was my first friend here. i have made many new friends too but hannah is the one person i get on very well with. there is also weston- he is an icon. literally.

he is one of them social media kids that are famous on and instagram and vine, etc. i didn't know of weston at all. but he gave me his youtube user yesterday. i watched a few of his videos and i was fucking screaming.

anywayyyy- back to reality.

i look across my room and read the clock on my wall. 7:15. ughh fuck off.

i throw my cover off of my body to be greeted by the warm breeze coming in through my window. canada is was very cold compared to arizona- i love the heat here! i slide my slippers on, grab my robe/ dressing gown and make my way downstairs.

i see my little sister, ashley, sat on the stool at one of the kitchen counters, eating her pancake whilst having her eyes fixed to the TV on the kitchen wall. she is most likely watching peppa pig... it is a british TV show (for kids) - but she loves to watch it!

"hey ash" i say nicely, as i walk over to her and kiss her on the forehead.

"i want to see hanzy again" ashley says with her lips pouted, and an upset tone.

"not today. maybe tomorrow, okay sweetheart?" i say to her, trying to cheer her up.

"okay" she sighs, and shoves some pancake in her mouth.

literally me, ashley.

i laugh, and make myself some cereal.


"love you mom" i reply to my mom, as i walk out the door and close it behind me.

i am pretty proud of my look today. i don't look too bad.

i am wearing my black adidas shirt and my grey thrasher hoodie. also i'm wearing my black adidas leggings and my white huaraches. for makeup i was wearing some light foundation, highlighter, mascara and matte liquid lipstick.

i put my earphones in and text hannah.


me: hey, we meeting at the end of my road again? Xx

i send the message and seconds later i get a reply.

hannah xo: yeah, I am on my way now. See you in a bit xxx


"you've got history in room 102, right?" hannah asks me, scanning both mine and hers timetables.

"yep, im with you" i tell her, as i see me and hannah have the same period.

i am in most of hannah's lessons. apart from math and english. i am in the level above her in both english and math. i don't really know anyone from english lesson but i have weston in my maths so that's fine by me.

"WAIT FOR ME SEXIES" weston screams whilst he sprints up to me and hannah. me and hannah both playfully roll our eyes and begin walking up the stairs.

"hunter is in today, right?" weston says out of breath to hannah.

"yeah" hannah says, in a somewhat annoyed tone.

who is this hunter kid?

we reach the top of the stairs and me and weston start to breathe heavily- feeling genuinely tired from walking up the flights of stairs.

we are so lazy, lol.

we start to walk towards a door, labelled '102', and underneath it was written 'Miss Langley, History'.

i hear the teachers voice echoing throughout the room. i don't wanna piss her off even more than i think she already is so i better shut my mouth for this whole lesson, because she doesn't sound happy at all...

"wait, who is this hunter kid?" i say, trying not to be heard from inside the classroom by all of the students.

hannah's hand comes off of the door handle, as she sighs and looks up to me.

"it- it's.. it's hard to explain" she says, looking... confused?

okay, she doesn't seem to like talking about this hunter kid... but why?

"does he, like... bully you or something?" i ask, genuinely feeling confused.

weston laughs from behind us.

"if anyone bullied hannah- you'd know about it. she'd kick their ass! hannah don't play with hoes." weston tells me.

me and hannah snort quietly and try not to burst out laughing.

"there's this thing about hunter, you see..." hannah says very quietly, as we walk away from the door.

"what do you mean?" i ask, wanting to hear more.

"everyone falls for him... he just... i really don't know. there's just this thing about him that everyone has?" hannah continues. it comes out as more of a question.

we start to walk up and down the locker corridor, trying to keep quiet.

"i have dated him before, naomi. he is a sweetheart... but, some girls have a love and hate thing for hunter... you see- many girls adore hunter- they're head over heels for the kid! but because so many girls have a 'thing' for hunter- he doesn't get girlfriends... he isn't like a fuckboy or anything. hunter is lovely! but the reason why he doesn't get girlfriends is because too many girls like him- so nobody even tries".

what is hannah talking about? she is really confusing me. i don't get what her point is...

"what do you mean?" i ask.

hannah stops walking and sighs again. she puts her fringe behind her ears and turns around to walk back to the classroom.

we walk back to the classroom door and hannah stops at the door. she leaves her hand on the handle for a few seconds, sighs, and turns around to look at me again.

"he's every girls type"


sorry if it isn't very interesting yet, but i promise i'm going to make it much better as the story goes on! this chapter is very short, considering the chapters i normally write are over 1500 words.

thanks for reading!

skye xo :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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'he's every girl's type' - hunter rowland :)Where stories live. Discover now