≠Unfinished Business≠

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I was awoke from my slumber to the feel of those bony fingers around my mouth and neck. Try as I might he muffled my screams to where I couldn't be heard. My attempt of escape was futile despite he was much stronger than me but I felt I still had a chance if I fought.

I fought for my life for what seemed like just a mere seconds until the monochrome monster punched me in the face causing my consciousness to fade in and out in a blurry daze. Right before slipping out of consciousness I could feel myself being dragged from my bed and see through blurred vision that I was being carried away from my home in the arms of the monstrous clown. Then everything went black...


as she lay sleeping in her old childhood bed I stand waiting in the dark corner of the room for the perfect time to strike. My first attempt at apprehending  my new victim had failed so I had to settle with killing that mangy roommate of hers as to not leave witnesses.

Oh how I relished and grinned in happiness as the graphic flashback of the worthless girl's death clouded my mind. I snapped out of it as I soon realized I still had a task at hand that needed to be done. I waited for what felt like a eternity until I knew she was good and asleep,then I made my move.
I creeped ever so quiet towards the side of the bed staring down at her sleeping form,then cupped my hands firmly to her mouth  to muffle the screams she made due to the surprise. She flailed around trying to get out of my grasp and seek safety but to no avail i was much stronger and her attempt at escaping was ended with a short yet strong punch to the face. I grew tired of putting up with her resistance...her eyes began to flutter slowly and she grew in and out of consciousness as the blow left her a bit   insensible.

As she became unconscious in my arms I quickly lifted her up and made my way out the house through the window. Once out we started the way back to the hideout where he and the others would be waiting on our arrival. It's safe to say nobody would find her where we're going. The deep foliage and trees that surround the hideout and us would forbid any sound from emitting to civilization. As I walk the unknown path with the unconscious female on my back I lock my eyes on the forest that surrounds us,making sure to take all the sights,smells,and feels in. The air was brisk and the leaves changed various reds,oranges,and yellows as the fall season had set in. Seeing the color brought back nostalgia of how I came to be.

Memories of who I once was before becoming the monster I am now  brought a small,tugging sensation to my chest and I felt a hint of sadness. I quickly shrugged it off though as I remembered how wretched humans are the ones who made me this way. The feeling of hatred for humans soon came back and stayed as I trudged the rest of the way home. After 1 or 2 hours of walking, the cabin,with it's yellow lights that beamed with warmth gleamed in the distance. With every step I grew closer to home and before long I and the female had entered the residence and I laid her sleeping figure on the hardwood floor.

As I stare at her complexion a blueish purple bruise formed on the side of her face where she had been punched. I beckoned Eyeless Jack over to take a look and see what he can do to heal it.
"He's not gonna like seeing her like this...but I had to do it to restrain her and bring her here. She put up quite a fight."

"Indeed as humans tend to do when they're startled or in fear...It's a minor bruise and should go away in no time with cold compressions. In the meantime we'll hide her from him in a spare bedroom until it heals."  He replied in a calm and deep tone.

EJ beckoned Hoody and Masky from the couch to  help him move her to the room where she'd be chained up and kept till it was time for her to meet Slenderman. As they moved her to her designated room I made my way to my own and locked the door behind me.

The recent killings and stalking I'd done had tired me out and left me exhausted. Sleep was something I much needed right now so I laid on my bed,staring up at the ceiling  with my eyes quickly giving way to the weary feeling of sleep...waiting for tomorrow and the events that would unfold to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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