Bridges Built

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Several Minutes Later

As soon as Weiss knocked on the door, the door opened and she was ushered in. Her eyes caught when she saw the girl on the couch, looking shocked.

"When you said girl, I was expecting a kid, not someone our age! Let me see what we can do." Weiss immediately set into work, pulling the blanket off bit by bit, checking the blonde's pulse, temperature, and relative weight. "She seems to be fine for the most part, she was probably just exhausted. She does seem dehydrated and most definitely malnourished however."

"I'll get her some water and pretzels." Blake said, turning towards the kitchen. "Or would a different food work better?"

"Preferably something easier to swallow, do you have any fruit?" Weiss asked, turning to see Blake had already gotten a small bag of grapes together. "See, when I say to eat healthy, it ends up helping more than just you." The two chuckled before setting the girl upright, blanket tucked around her still. They nodded at each other silently, and slowly shook the girl awake.

"Wha..." The blonde groaned as she slowly regained consciousness. "Ow... my head." She slowly opened her eyes, wincing at the flickering light coming from Blake's kitchen, to reveal stunning lavender eyes. "Where am I?"

Blake was the first to speak. "You're at my apartment, you passed out on the street in the cold. Here, have some food and water." Blake urged the glass into the girl's hand, who graciously accepted it. "Drink slowly at first."

The girl did not heed her advice, instead gulping down mouthful after mouthful of water, until the whole glass was empty. Blake quickly refilled it and returned the glass to the girl. "Thanks..."

"What's your name?" Weiss asked.

"Yang. Yang Xiao Long." The blonde replied, taking another swig of her water. "Thanks for helping me, it means a lot."

"What were you doing out there? You didn't even have a coat on!" Blake pouted, "What happened?"

"Well, I don't exactly own a coat. These clothes are all I own." Yang gestured to her worn out shirt and pants. It certainly explained why they were so dirty.

"You don't have anything else? Not even a place to stay?"

"Nope. I hardly get any food nowadays either. That's why this means so much to me." Blake could tell that Yang was serious about it. The blonde's eyes were tearing up, most likely with joy. "The fact that you two would help a stranger..."

"Of course we would. Especially one that's in dire need of help." Weiss smiled, placing her hand on Yang's shoulder.

"Yang, if you don't have a place to stay, you could always stay here with me." Blake suggested, "I know I'm a complete stranger, but I don't want anybody to be without a home."

"That sounds great... erm... what's your name? I don't remember if I've asked yet."

"I'm Blake, and this is my doctor, Weiss. I called her as soon as I got you back to my apartment."

"Pleasure to meet you!"

Yang looked down at the glass of water in her hand and smiled. "Blake, I'd be happy to live here with you." She looked up at Blake, "Unless you're some kind of creepy sadist." She let loose a howling laugh, which was cut short by a hoarse cough, prompting another swig of water.

"I promise I'm nothing of the sort." Blake smiled.

"I should probably go, my boss is probably wondering where I am." Weiss chuckled, "Nice meeting you Yang. If either of you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." Her smile sealed the deal that she could be trusted, if Yang did not believe her before.

"Nice meeting you too Weiss, see you around."

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