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 Chapter 1

"5 minues!"  Kelly yelled, ushering me towards the door.

  "I'm Realy!" I responded, "Comming".  I was really trying to hurry, to not miss the flight, but I seemed to have forgotted almost everything, only remembering it now. I stood in the bathroom, mascarra in one hand, hair brush in the other. It was 5:30 in the morning, and our plane for San Diego left at 7:00 sharp.   There was a 9 hour flight there, and I had never been on a plane... I was really excited it was finally summer and my friends and I were going on vacation together, but I was rather nervous. 

   "Vanessa! Hurry up! We are giong to miss our flight!" Kelly, my best friend yelled from my bedroom.

   "Sorry!" I had to force myself out the door, still looking like I had just woken up. Kelly had spent the night at mine last night so we could get ready together, but the alarm hadn't gone off, and we ended up waking up 10 minutes ago.

  When I reached my room, she had our bags behind her, a coat on, shoes on, and my shoes and coat in her outstreatched hands.

  "Let's go" We were out the door in 30 seconds, and the car was packed in another minute.

  When we reached the airpor, It was overwhelming. The traffic wasn't as bad as it could have been, given the timing, but it still sucked.

   Baggage checks and boarding scans were an even worse nightmare. Kelly and I, and Morgan and Sarah, our two other best friends, had to get pat-downs because we had our bellybuttons freshly pierced. Morgan had claimed it was a "friendship bonding experience" but my stomach just hurt.

   Filing onto the plane, I sat in the middle isle, between Sarah and Kelly, Morgan mext to her. Four Chicks in a row. Kelly and I had been like sisters sence the third grade, and Morgan, Kellys couson, who she was really close with, was a year younger. She also went to our school sence her 4th grade year, with her best friend Sarah. We were bothered by age, and we had been best friends sence we met. It's now July, 14th, asummer after 11th grade, and I am 17, my 18th birthday in 4 weeks; August 18th. 

  I have lived in San Diego, California, my whole life, and never been on a plane. I kind of knew what to expect, watching movies and such, but I am still nervous.

   After 20 minutes of sitting there, waiting for the other 400 passangers to board.   When we finally did take off my anxiety desolved with the acceleration. For me at least. Sarah gript my right hand with an iron deth grip.

   "Relax," I wisperedto her, "Were going to be fine".

   "Oh, Sorry", she said releasing my hand, and rubbing her sweaty palms on her legs. 

   "Thats ok. I don't mind." I reached over and grabed her hand again, telling she needed it. She had an irrational fear of just about everything involved with flying. Small spaced, being strapped down, hights, public bathrooms, cramped spaces, etc. I felt a little pity for her, but she knew this was coming, and in about 10 minutes her sleeping pills would kickin, and she would be out like a light. 

   After and hour of listening to music through Kellys shared headphones, I drifted off. As it is with evey night, I hadn't got much slep last night, and I was still epicly tired. 

   Six hours later we landed for a layover, and then three more boring hours of a drooling Morgan,and sleeping Sarah. Kelly and her family traveled all over the world, and I had gone on pleanty of road trips with  her, but she had way more experience in the flight department. 

Chapter 2

 After landing in Mineapolis, Minnesoda, and the nightmare of  bagage claims, our pick-up buss was forty-five minutes late, and it was 4 in the afternoon. The first thing we did was go out to Golden Caral for dinner. The only things we had eaten for the last 12 hours were flat soda, granola bars, and peanut packages. 45 minutes, and 3 plates of food eachlater, we finally left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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