Jane & Jade + A new MCSM fanfic

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So I have two new OCs, they are pretty balanced and are specifically designed for MCSM.

So I have two new OCs, they are pretty balanced and are specifically designed for MCSM

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You'd have to figure out who is who yourself, but anyway. I made a new MCSM fanfiction around two years after the destruction of the Wither Storm. They are basically on an adventure to save Beacon town. It will get messy later on; it actually took me three days to sort out the plots&plans for the whole story. The elements of the story itself is pretty basic, like a little bits of fairytales made up small part of the overall plot. I posted it on Wattpad a few days ago prior to finishing this drawing, and the name is 'MCSM: Legend of Zircon', please check out if you are interested.

By the way, I just select the name Zircon by random really, it wasn't that important at the time. 😜

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