With Your Eyes Only...

19 1 0

I stood over the kitchen sink with blood dripping from the open wound in my stomach. I was gasping for breath as waves of pain rippled through my body. I grabbed the phone as I collapsed to the floor.

"911 what's your emergency?"

I tried to take a deep breath and even my breathing but it was useless as the tears continued to fall from my eyes.

"I- I've been stabbed." I managed to breathe out.

"Okay try to stay calm and stop the bleeding. What's your name and location sweetie?" She calmly asked. How was she so calm? My vision was starting to fade in and out. I grabbed a towel.

"Kayden Riley at 6158 Alpine Grove. I- I'm going to p- pass ou- t." I gasped.

I lied the towel on the stomach and lie on, putting pressure at first to try to stop it, then stopped when my vision once again clouded.

"Okay, someone will be there soon. Try to stay calm. And focus on your breathing okay?"

I hung up the phone. Please hurry.

Was this it? I'm only 17, this can't be it. My ears were ringing and I was lying in a pool of blood. My own blood. My vision started fading in and out so I just shut my eyes. You'll be okay. It's going to be okay.

I crawled out to the porch to wait for help when I saw Harry walking down the street. I tried my hardest to call him over. I don't know if he heard me or not, because I blacked out.

The last thing I heard was the low sound of an ambulance in the distance.

With Your Eyes Only...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن