Sodapop(The Outsiders)

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You waited for the love of your life, Sodapop Curtis, to walk through the door. You sat watching Micky mouse with your brother Two-Bit and his friend Ponyboy in the Curtis' house. Soon you hear the slam of Darry's truck doors and the shouts of the boys. Steve, Sodapop, and Darry walk past the threshold.

"Soda!" You happily get up and wrap your arms around him in a loving hug. He has his DX work hat and shirt on. Soda's slender but strong arms wrap around you and then he spins you around.

"Hey, what are you up to kiddo?" Soda asks setting you back down and putting his hat on your head. You had been giggling, but that came to an end when you heard the nickname.

"I'm not a kid Sodapop. I'm nearly 12 years old." You say proudly.

"Yeah Soda, she's practically a full grown woman." Steve snickered. Soda tossed him a lopsided smirk.

"(Y/N) ya wont be 12 for another 2 months. Soda's gonna be 17 in a week. He's to old for ya, you're still just a kid." Your brother said as he grabbed another beer from the fridge. You had followed Soda into the kitchen.

"Women mature quicker now days." You state as Two- Bit walks out of the kitchen leaving just you and Soda, who just so happened to be making a sandwich.

"I can do that for you." You smile at the movie star looker in front of you. He flashes you his famous heart stopping smile.

"You don't have to (Y/N)."

"I want to." You persist. He shakes his head with a small grin on his lips, he stepped aside making room for you.

As you make his sandwich, the exact way that he likes it, you try to think up something to say. You always try to convince Soda to date you at least once a month. After Sandy broke his heart you tried your best to comfort him, out of respect for Soda you stopped flirting and trying to get him to date you for three months. You didn't think he noticed, but he had.

"Ya know, if I was your girlfriend..." You start, only glancing at your love for a moment to see him crack a smile at your attempts. "I would cook you anything you wanted, and I'd always be faithful, and do whatever you say. Two-Bit says adults do this thing that's really enjoyable. And while I don't know what it is, I'd still do it with you if you wanted Soda. And as for my looks, I know my figures not much, but when I get a little older I'm sure that I'll fill out and be more desirable lookin'." You spoke quickly, and when you were done you looked at the teen with the movie star looks, and hand him his sandwich.

He's smiling a genuine smile. He takes his food and leans down and kisses you on the cheek. Your face began to heat up, your (S/C) skin replaced with a bright red. Soda laughed slightly at your burning cheeks.

"I'll make you a deal, okay?" Soda smiles almost cheekily at you. You were positive that everyone in the room over was listening to the conversation. It was to quite.

You didn't trust your voice a the moment, so you numbly nodded your head.

"If we're both single when you turn 18, and your still interested in an idiot like me," Before you could scold him for calling himself stupid he continued. "then I'll take you out on a date and we'll see where that leads us." Your (E/C) eyes light up, you didn't need to think about it for long.

"Okay Sodapop, you've got a deal."

*7 years later*

You and Sodapop lay next to each other panting. It was your 18th birthday, and true to his word Soda had taken you out on a date, and then somehow you both ended up in his bed. For the past few years there had been some sexual tension between the two of you.

"I've wanted to do that since I found out what sex was." You admit to your lover.

"Oh yeah?" Soda said with his signature smirk that made your knees weak.

"Well the love birds finally got together." You hear Dally joke from behind the door. You then hear laughter from the living room.

Soda rolls over on top of you and starts to leave kisses all over your face and neck.

"So, round two?"

And a happy ending as I always promise :-) Please leave a comment and vote!!!


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