Chapter 11

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When I get to school the next day, I somehow avoid Baden. I can't believe he just stood there. What kind of person does that?

Unfortunately, I ran into Eric.

"You little bitch!" He slams me against the locker again. My shoulder is still sore from the previous day, so I wince.

"What? Can't take a little pain?" He's in my face again. His breath smells like doritos and Mountain Dew.

"Get off of me." I wriggle around.

"Shut up!" He gives me a swift slap on the face. Then all of a sudden his weight is off of me and I can breathe again. I look around to see where he went.

I see a person on Eric. I gasp, I'm not used to seeing the fight, I'm used to being in it.

"Get off of me you little-" whoever is on him knocks the wind out of him, causing the abrupt cut off.

"Leave her alone!" The person on Eric yells. Wait . . . I know that voice.

"Baden!" I run over and try to break the boys up. I finally manage to get Eric off of Baden and hold his arms behind him. He's really strong, and he almost fights me off until Baden kicks him in the stomach, causing him to fall over in pain.

"Stay away from her, pet," Baden spits on Eric.

"I'll never leave her alone," he looks at me, "I'll get you Angie. What you have is mine."

"Shut up, sicko," I say. Then I walk away. Baden runs after me.

"Angie! Wait!" I try to run faster but he's always been faster than me. He grabs my hand and holds on tight.

"Ow! That hurts, Baden."

"Shit. Sorry, I don't want to hurt you." He lets go of my arm.

"If you don't want me hurt, then why didn't you help me yesterday?" I ask.

"I wasn't thinking. It was like being in a movie, I hadn't seen a fight in so long . . . I won't let it happen again." He looks me in the eyes. "I'm going to make it up to you, I swear."

"You won't be, because I'm done with you. If you can just stand there and not help me get out of a mess, then that's not the friend I want. Runey and Annie would have been on his ass before he so much as laid a finger on me," I point out.

He runs his fingers through his hair and takes a deep breath. And he holds it. After what seems like an eternity, he lets the breath out.

"Look, I care about you, a lot. And I won't let it happen again, I swear. I just wasn't thinking."

"I need people I can trust, Baden. My life is full of broken dreams and dead ends. I need people that are willing to help me pick up the pieces or be willing to turn back and start over with me," I say.

"I'll be that person, I swear!" He exclaims.

I sit there for a minute, contemplating. There was one point that I knew I could trust him with my life. Then he turned his back on me, after promising me forever. How can I just up and turn and trust someone that did nothing but lie to me?

"Prove it," I say.

"What?" He looks at me confused.

"Prove to me that I can trust you again."

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