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Hi Everyone! So this one shot was inspired by the song posted at the right called For You I Will by Teddy Geiger. I was listening to it and suddenly this story popped into my head and I had to share it! Also this is the song that Adeline sings to Meredith at her house and at the Coffeehouse. I hope you enjoy it!

"Adeline your on next," said the backstage manager Sally. My insides started to get all tangled up in knots. I'm not going to hyperventilate, I won't. I kept telling myself over and over.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" My best friend and fellow wallflower Meredith asked me. Meredith was gorgeous. She was a little on the short side and had and adorable blonde pixie cut. She had naturally rosy cheeks and red lips with a perfect cupids bow. She had blue-green eyes that always changed color and long lashes. Meredith was wearing a soft purple, sleeveless dress with the same color purple lace on top. She wore a white braided belt around her waist and white wedges to pull the look together.

"I'm sure. I have been ready for this moment for a long time." But now I was starting to second-guess myself. This plan to reveal myself, and how I felt to Tyler seemed so fool proof and easy when I was just sitting in my room strumming my guitar. Now that it was actually here the night I was going to preform in front of everybody, including Tyler, at the local coffeehouse it seemed a lot more scary and intimidating. Suppose I mess u and make a fool of myself, or what if afterwards when I tell Tyler he doesn't feel the same. I felt sick. But was determined.

I had for 6 years been in love with Tyler Williams but other than purposefully passing him in hallways everyday, and the occasional hello I had not made any contact with him because every time I tried I would seize up and not be able to get two words out without sounding like a complete loser.

You might wonder how it was that I was in love with him if I never actually talked to him or seemed to know him very well, but that’s not true. I did know him, probably better than many of the girls who throw themselves on him at every chance they got.

Every year since 7th grade when Tyler first moved here the two of us have had at least one class together since we were both very smart and signed up for similar honors and AP classes. By watching him like the love-struck, giddy school girl I was I learned so much about his character that I could write a book about him should I want to. Some of his many attributes include: intelligent, polite (even when he wasn't interested in a girl who was clearly interested in him he was never rude to her and always let her down easy), athletic, and caring (I once saw him sit down next to a girl in our chemistry class when she was crying over her dead dog and comfort her when no one else would even though he didn't know her well). And these are just the surface level traits. There are so many more I could more in depth about that make Tyler, Tyler and give reason to why I was so in love with him. The reason why I hadn’t told him how I felt was because he was popular and I wasn’t so he would have no interest in me.

"Adeline," Meredith was almost more nervous about tonight than I was even though this was her idea and she claimed it would be good for me, "I just want you to know that no matter what happens after tonight I am so proud of you for being brave enough to do this and be confident that Tyler will return your feelings because you are a great girl and he would be stupid to let you go after you put yourself out there like this."

"Thanks Meredith, but I wouldn't be so sure just yet. I haven’t preformed yet and even if everything goes well and I don't royally screw up I still have to talk to Tyler and that is a guaranteed disaster."

"Come one Adeline you have to have confidence in yourself right now, besides that’s what your song is all about." I could tell she was about to say more but right then the stage manager Sally came back and told me that it was my turn to go up on stage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2012 ⏰

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