The Big Bane Twerkery

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating much. My other stories  are taking up some time. Anyway, I made a picture type thingy about this earlier, kinda, so I decided this would be a good chapter for an update.

Isabelle and Clary stood on Magnus’ doorstep, waiting for him to buzz them in. They were both carrying overnight bags and sleeping bags, and both of them wore pajamas under their coats. When the buzz sounded, Izzy pushed the door open, Clary following behind her. They hauled their luggage halfway up the stairs when they heard a snap and it was gone, Magnus standing at the top of the stairs smiling smugly.

“Warlocks. Always using magic.” Izzy muttered under her breath teasingly, shaking her head from side to side.

“Yep, and that’s why you love us.” Magnus said, embracing both of them. He too was wearing his jammies as well. He wore sparkly blue silky pajama pants, and a white tank top that said “Keep Calm and Sparkle On” in the same blue as the pants, and he had blue glitter in his hair. They walked into the apartment and both Clary and Isabelle were astounded. Magnus had designed the place especially for the occasion: The Big Bang Theory Marathon. The room had a nerdy feel to it. Beakers were full of different colored beverages, and posters that ranged from Harry Potter to Sherlock to the Avengers decorated the room. Action Figures of Spock and the Doctor were on display, and Chairman Meow sat in the corner, unhappily trying knock off the fake nerd glasses that were on his face. White boards were set up displaying things like formulas for the Pythagorean theorem and quadratic equations, with the exception of one reading “BIG BANG THEORY IS LIFE!”. Magnus had the projector set up so they could see everything enlarged, and the sofa had a piece of paper on one cushion that said “Magnus’ spot.”

“Wow….” Was all Clary could say as she shrugged off her jacket. She had a green Avengers crop top and black sweats on.

“Yeah, way to go all out,” Isabelle said to Magnus, impressed. She had a tank top that had “Nerd? I prefer the term ‘Intellectual Badass’” written across the front with black leggings. They both sat down, avoiding Magnus’ “spot.”

“Okay girls,” he said picking up the Chairman and sitting down. The marathon doesn’t start for an hour or so, so what do we do till then?”

“Ooh! Mani-Pedi’s!” Isabelle suggested. “I picked up the prettiest black ever yesterday!”

“Oh yeah! And I need my nails repainted anyways. Let me get my glitter polishes!” Magnus said, getting up to leave.

“Yeah, just let me get my green polish out. I found the perfect green that matches my eyes. I wanna try it out.” Clary walked over to her suitcase to pull get the nail polish. She opened and searched through her bag, and sighed when she didn’t find it. “I guess I left it at the Institute. I’ll call Jace. He’s only 10 minutes away. He can bring it.” She pulled out her phone and called him, walking away a little. “Hey, baby…” Izzy heard her start off.

Magnus came back into the room, holding 5 bottles and stopped short when he saw clary on the phone.

“Sorry Bane, looks like we gotta hold off on the spa treatments. Clary forgot something.” Isabelle said.

“Oh… well in that case let’s get something to eat. Tell Jace to bring something on his way.” He replied.

“CLARY, TELL YOUR BF TO BRING SOME PIZZA!” Isabelle yelled. Clary waved her off, but told Jace anyways. Once walking back into the living room, she sighed and sat down.

“So what now?” She asked. “We have to wait for the food.”

“Oh, I just got Ariana Grande’s new single! How about a… Dance party!” Magnus said, raising his hands and sending glitter everywhere.

“By the Angel, yes! I love that song!” Isabelle said. “Play it!” Magnus snapped his fingers, and the song started playing. Iggy’s and Ariana’s giggle filled the room, and the familiar song started up.

“Hey baby even though I hate ya, I wanna love ya. I want yo-oo-oou! And even though I can’t forgive ya, I really want to. I want yo-oo-oou!” They all stood up and started dancing. After insisting listening to the song four more times, the gang had started to form a routine. The doorbell rang, and Magnus reluctantly went to answer the door. He restarted the song, saying he missed his favorite part. They got in formation, and got ready to dance. As Jace walked in with the two boxes of pizza, the routine started.

“TWERK TEAM!” Magnus yelled. As the music played, Magnus, Clary, and Izzy started to twerk. Jace stood there, not quite knowing what to do, then after a second of thinking, he shrugged his shoulders, set the pizza in, and joined in. The Marathon had started, but it was now long forgotten to the trio and Jace, who Magnus had challenged to a twerk off. So there the four of them were, twerking and dancing as the Big Bang Theory played in the background.

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