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The Sith Code

Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion
I gain strength
Through strength
I gain power
Through power
I gain victory
Through victory
My chains are broken
The force shall free me

The Jedi Code

There is no emotion
There is peace
There is no ignorance
There is knowledge
There is no passion
There is serenity
There is bo chaos
There is harmony
There is no death
There is the force

The Grey Jedi Code:

There is only the force
There is only the force
There is a balance between light and dark
Passion, yet restraint
Strength and knowledge
There is power in serenity
Victory is only foundin bringing the force back into harmony
Passion and strength are exercised through knowledge and serenity
To bring back balance, one must strike hard amd fast
One must use power to break the opponent
Power requires restraint to bring back harmony
Strike to hard, and chaos is born
Knowledge teaches restraint to keep balance

I just thought it made sense to start this book with these, also
let me know in the comments which code you agree with most


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