Chapter 3: The meeting

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A/N: "Italics" are the other people on the phone. Sorry for not posting last week.

After the event in middle school, Kuroko decided that he would go to a new school, an unknown school called Seirin. He wanted to start over and get away from the Generation of Miracles reputation. He hoping to join the basketball team and try and beat the GOM and bring them back to their original self.

Kuroko walked to the gym as his coach asked everyone to go to the gym as she has news regarding the Winter Cup.

Once everyone has gathered, Riko started to speak.

"Okay guys, the preliminaries for the winter cup is about to start and our first opponent is Josei High" She said.

Everyone nodded.

She continued "We need to win this okay"

"YES COACH" Seirin basketball team shouted.

Riko smiled and opened her mouth when a beeping noise interrupted her. It was coming from the bench.

Everyone froze and looked at their coach.

"WHO.HAS.BROUGHT.THEIR.PHONE.TO.PRACTICE." She said slowly, with a dark aura surrounding her.

Everyone scared to speak up. They know what she would do.

"Coach, I believe it is my phone" Kuroko said with his emotionless face. "May I get it? I think it has something do with my family"

Kuroko knows who it is and was wondering why they are calling him.

The players jumped at the sudden appearance of their phantom.

Riko looked at the teal haired boy before sighing. "You may answer it, but it has to be in the gym, got it"

Kuroko nodded before jugging to the bench and answer the call.

"Hello?" Kuroko said into the phone.

"Tets-kun, its Shoin. I know you are in basketball practice, but I need you to come to studio ASAP" Shoin's voice said to the teal haired boy through the phone.

Kuroko froze. "Why?" He asked his manager.

"The president wants to talk to you about an upcoming event. I do not have the information, but he told me to pass the message on" Kuroko's manager said.

"Have you informed my parents?" Kuroko asked his manager.

"Yes. I told them, and they said they will pick you up" he said to the phantom singer/player. "I will take the punishment your coach will give out"

Kuroko stared at the wall, thinking over what to do when his manger voice rang through the phone.

"Please Tetsuya" His manager voice begged through the phone.

Kuroko lets out a sigh and replied. "Okay. I be there in 20 minutes" before quickly saying bye to his manager and turned to his coach.

"Coach, can I be excused for the rest of practice. There is an emergency at my work place and they are short staffed" Kuroko asked his coach.

Coach Riko sighed and nodded. "Okay, but make sure to tell your boss that they need to inform you before practice not during it"

Kuroko nodded and threw on his jacket before picking up his bag, leaving the gym.

Rest of the team stared at the back of the phantom player wondering when did Kuroko has a job.

"Coach are you sure that Kuroko should go?" Kagami asked.

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