The Jealousy of MonaRisa part 2

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Mona:What do you mean it because of you?


Neru:I am the one who she really love



-Neru bow again-


Neru:Actually I was Risa's girlfriend


Neru:Risa is my childhood friend,so....we attend in the same school called Asano Junior High,we were close like a sister back then...


-Risa grab Neru while running-


-Risa stop running with Neru-

Risa:What is it?-smile-

Neru:You so fast Risa-pant-

Risa:Oh gomen gomen,hontou gomen

Neru:It the way,where are we?

Risa:Look behind you

-Neru turn around and she saw a beautiful ocean behind her-

Risa:Do you like it?

-Neru nodded-

Neru:Of course,that ocean is so beautiful


-Risa suddenly knee down-

Risa:Will you be my girlfriend?




-The next day-

-Asano Junior High school-

Risa:Neru,say 'aahh...'


-Risa feed Neru-

Neru:Oishii,It almost like my mom home-cooked meal




-While Neru on the way home,she suddenly been confronted by a group of thugs-

Thug 1:Hey nee-chan,you look cute

Thug 2:Do you want to go home with us?

Neru:No thanks,I fine on my own

-Thug 3 suddenly grab Neru hand-

Thug 3:Oh really?If you refuse to go home with us,I should force you to go home with us

Neru:Let me go....

Thug 3:I won't let go of you unless you agree with me to go home together

Neru:Let go of my hand....

Thug 3:*smile*

-Thug 3 suddenly been punched by a mysterious girl-

Thug 1:Who the hell are you?

Risa:I won't let you touch my girlfriend

Thug 3:How dare you punch me like that!

-Thug 3 going to punch Risa but Risa dodge it and punch Thug 3-

-Risa then punch Thug 2 and 1-

Thug 1 & 2:Aarrrghh.....


Thug 3:Damn you,I won't let you get away next time!

-Thug 1-3 quickly ran away-

-Risa sighted-

Risa:Are you o-

-As Risa almost finish her sentences,Neru suddenly hugged Risa-

Neru:Risa.....I am scared....

Risa:Don't be scared,I will be always with you,I will protect you even if it cost me my life


Risa:I will promise you that I will protect you forever till I die-smile-

-End of flashback- 

Neru:Ever since that day,I transferred to another school

Mona:Transferred?Why did you transferred?

Neru:It a secret-smile-

Mona:Why are you keep saying 'it a secret'?It annoy me whenever I heard that words

Neru:Gomen gomen


Neru:Do you have a plan?

Mona:What plan?

Neru:The plan is to make you make up with Risa

Mona:Hontou?What are you planning now?

Neru:That's why  I ask you now

Mona:*sigh*I don't think I have any plan

Author:Sorry about this incomplete story,tomorrow I will continue writing this story as 'The Jealousy Of MonaRisa part 3' and sorry for my bad english for the story that I wrote so far 

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