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"Blah, Blah, Blah.My teacher went on and on about her ex-boyfriend when she is supposed to be teaching us music. Which is fine by me. In music class I sit next to Zara my best friend and my only friend. Everyone at South Mountain High says that we are perfect for each other but the girls always try to use bad pick up lines like. "Are you a deer because I think I am hunting for you." Stuff like that. Finally the bell rang. I walked to my next class with Zara which was Greek. We set our stuff down and went to lunch. I had to make some confessions to Zara.


"yeah" Zara replies.

"I need to tell you something"

"Okay. Shoot"

"I am going to this boarding school next week and it is for other people and my mom said it would be a great way to make new friends and have a fresh start" I said at super speed.

"Really, me too!" Zara replied.


"Yeah it is a special school for 'other people' and only a couple other people are attending. My dad said I could go."

"what do you mean by 'other' people" I asked

"It is a place with people with powers. You see this bronze streak in my hair, that appeared out of no where. Don't you get it we are going to a school for people who have powers"

My mouth was opened in shock. I saw a light blue strand pass my face. I catch it to see a blue strand in my hair. This means I have water powers.

"water" Zara breathed.

The bell rang and we went to science. We have a field trip to the Dinosaur Museum. Ugh they think we are two year old's. Zara and I quickly went to our class. We got paired up with a buddy and I got paired up with Sophie. Zara got paired up with Bryan. Noooooo we are apart. Just kidding I am not that clingy. We got on the bus and I sat next to Sophie. She has blond hair, dark clothes on, brown eyes with flecks with gold in them and tanned skin. If she was older I would totally want to date her. She had a pair of ear buds popped into her ears jam-in out to some music. We were at the back of the bus. I nugged her, signaling to take her ear buds out. Sophie did and said "what"

"I just want to talk to you" I replied

"It's to loud"

"I know well we are high school students."

"No it's different than what you hear" Sophie said then she quickly said" Never mind you wouldn't believe me anyways."

"do have a secret" I asked.

"yes" Sophie replied.

"we do too" Zara replied

"I will tell you mine if you tell us."


"I can hear things that no one else can't. I hear voices everyday and they will not stop only if I am alone. I been having this since I was 7 years old. I finally figured out that they were thoughts. I can read minds. But your minds are totally blank I can't hear you." Sophie said

"Well we believe you" I said

"Our secret" Zara started. " We hold one of the five elements. Mine is metal I can control any type of jewel, stone or any type of metal." She opened her hand and closed her eyes. Then a ruby appeared out of no where and was right in Zara's hand. "Do you see the bronze in my hair" Zara continued " I didn't dye it also Hunter he just got a strand of blue in his hair and we think it is water. Also we are going to a school in Eigg that is just for people like me and Hunter"

"wow" Sophie breathed

We were at the Museum. We got out of the bus and I went of with Sophie while Zara went off with Bryan. We just finished one of the teacher's boring lechers about a dead dinosaur when I say a teal eyed boy looking at Zara like he just found treasure. He walked up to Zara and said

"I know who you are"

Then a gust of wind came up and almost blew him away. What. Just. Happened. Zara looked at me and mouthed 'wind'. Now I know what my colored hair means, I have wind powers not fire. I was so happy that I wanted to shout' I believe I can fly'. Wait a minute. When do I have to leave? I looked at the letter and it said our plane leaves in 3 days! After the field trip I walked home. I went to my adoptive parents house. They were really nice. Their names are Georgia and Will. We live in a small condo with 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. I already told them about the new school. They looked really excited for me but then they looked a little worried. I don't blame them for being over protective, but they are because their first kid was ran over by a car and he was only 4 years old. I said quick hello's then I went into my bedroom to pack. After I was done packing I just looked at my phone and did homework for the rest of the day then I finally fell asleep.

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