I was Tagged because people are great!

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(this would of been up sooner, it's just I have been to lazy to tag XP)

Okay so I was tagged by the lovely Hamilfam101 

And real quick, I know some of you guys might of already did this, and if you are one of those people then write something funny that happened in you day, or recently or freaking 5 years ago Idk! XD 

For example it was the end of the school day for me today, and I  was waiting for buses with my friends, and my one friend that we all call Jananabanana (I know for I fact that whoever just read that over said that in their head wrong. I just know.) Goes around yanking people's hair and all like "Imma snatch your weave" ( I honestly don't know) and she goes over to my one friend that I will call NC who wasn't really paying attention, and jananabanana tugs her hair and while all of us are laughing, NC looks at her strait in the face like this:

) Goes around yanking people's hair and all like "Imma snatch your weave" ( I honestly don't know) and she goes over to my one friend that I will call NC who wasn't really paying attention, and jananabanana tugs her hair and while all of us are la...

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and goes. "It's real."

You didn't laugh. I know you didn't laugh so don't even frickn dare go to the comment section and be all like "No it was so funny Lol haha ;3" CAUSE I KNOW! THAT YOU DIDN'T LAUGH SWEETIE! So get your wafiu lil butt back over here and continue to read

(oh my god I just read over this... actually who am I? XD)

But I did, and to me it was so frikin hilarious that I almost fell off of my bed and smacked my head of my nightstand, and that's what I live for so yup. I'm great! Not really though. Rip. 


If you don't want to write something funny then just give me our best meme. 

Okay but moving on to the real thing so here we go!


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1. Yes! I guy at my school who looks exactly like Laurence from MyStreet! XD

2. Okay so...i'm blushing right now that's great but um I highly suspect it. That's kind of the whole reason I started liking him because we kind of clicked...I...just like, need to  chill right now sorry XD

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