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"Green grass, blue sky, a singular yellow sun, this is a nettle, and over there, in the orchard, those are apple trees, without apples, unfortunately. And it's going to rain." Donna did not intend to deny herself a tiny portion of spite. "Judging by gathered evidence it is quite safe to say that this is..."

"The Earth," finished the Doctor, resignation in his voice.


They went through the high gate and found themselves on an incredibly crowded street. After a few steps, Donna stopped giggling. She sniffed and quickly covered her nose with a hand.

"Urghh!" She pulled a face. "It stinks!"


"It'll be hell," the Doctor whispered. "This town. The whole England. The entire Europe. We should get out of here as soon as possible."

"O...kay, I've got it. Hell. Run. You don't have to add anything."


"Donna, you know you can fly the TARDIS."

"What? No! No, I can't, damn it, have you forgotten that I've lost all of your timelordly knowledge?" Donna yelled. „And what is it supposed to mean anyway?! You can fly the TARDIS! What does it mean?!"


Donna's eyes widened in fear.

"We're in Pompeii," she whispered. "And it's Volcano Day."

"It's Volcano Day," the Doctor confirmed, dread in his voice.

Doctor Who - 03 - The August SkyWhere stories live. Discover now