
137 12 0

23rd April 2017

closing my mirror shut i picked up my pace to walk away from him

hoping that he get the idea that i don't want to talk to him right now

when suddenly i felt a force pulling me back by the hand and i was now face to face with him

he looked at me with such concern i could feel a strong sense of hope in me that he actually cared. wow

" hey sungyeon are you okay ? you look really pale "

a bit stunned by his sudden kindness i kept quiet as i felt a wave of emotions thoughts scattered all around in my head

" i.. i.. "

" what the hell do you think you're doing ?"


shit things are gonna her ugly real quick

" what gives you the fucking right to hurt her "

taehyung said walking up to the two standing in the middle of the school porch

" no wait tae he didn- "

" don't you think it'll be more dangerous with you beside her all the time ? "

walking closer and closer after each word

and shit

" i should shut that pretty little mouth for the sake of everyone in this world shouldn't i ? "

from the past year i've known taehyung is to not piss him off more when he's already mad

fisting up his collars taehyung glared right into his eyes

those eyes , they were screaming danger and the smug look in jungkook's eyes was the last straw

before taehyung could take a punch

" kim taehyung what do you think you're doing ? "

me. lee thank god

" the two of you principal's office , NOW "

grumbling taehyung harshly released his tight grip onto jungkook's collar

slowly straightening his collar with a smirk on his face as he moved closer to his ear

" if you touch her i'll kill you "


victim ; jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now