Spot Conlon X Reader~ Not at All Jealous

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Y/N was utterly, agonizingly, spectacularly BORED!

To be honest, it was an unusual circumstance seen as Brooklyn was ordinarily lively and fun but with Mr Spot Conlon out selling, Y/N was left with no company.

At the current moment she was sitting atop a wooden potato crate inhabiting a street watching people walk by, she had been doing this for an hour and was pretty certain she was going insane.

Enough was enough!

Y/N hadn't visited The Manhattan Newsies for a while and the boys were like her second family or...only family- So she set of walking however a firm, strong body that was always not only familiar but also entirely welcome. Spot Conlon himself.

'Hey, Y/N- I'se just finished selling, if you'se wanna' maybe go somewhere?'

Oh, Y/N really should see the boys again; she would despise the idea of drifting apart from them but she adored spending time with Spot and didn't want to blow him off.

'Actually, Spot - I was just on my way to visit Jack and the boys, but I'd love for you to accompany me!'

Spot froze...

'Jack Kelly?' Asked Spot, course he knew the answer.

'Yeah', Y/N answered obliviously; However she became a little less oblivious when she caught sight of a flicker of disappointment in Spot's eye.

'Is that a problem?' She ventured

'No! I'se was just wondering, I'se would love to be with yo- GO WITH YOU'SE!' He corrected himself so suddenly it made Y/N jump.

They both began walking side by side, filling the air with insignificant yet amusing chatter and laughter until they reached the Manhattan Lodging House. Jack was the first to greet the two, soon followed by Crutchie, Albert, Specs, Davey, Les, Race and Romeo and by that time Y/N had a wall of newsies engulfing her in an enclosed, friendly hug. Spot watched. 

Spot was having his own mental battle which commenced within his private mind, he so desperately wanted to tell the boys to back off but then Y/N would know, she would know everything and besides she and The Manhattan Boys were just friends...right?

After a while Y/N and Spot headed back to Brooklyn- Y/N, cheerfully and Spot- well less cheerful, actually quite anxious. Y/N soon noticed this.

'Spot?' She said,

'Hmm?' He responded absently,

She hesitated, 'You alright? You've been awfully quiet since we got there'

He didn't know why, why then but Spot cracked. Out of nowhere words began to spill from his mouth-

'No I'se not alright. You'se get along so well with them and I'se don't  know why but it makes me feel really weird because I'se loves you'se and I'se have for ages 'cause you'se are just so perfect in every single way and I-'

'You love me?' Asked a bewildered Y/N

Spot glanced away while nodding sheepishly; Oh God! That's not how he was meant to say it.

' were jealous' teased Y/N

'NO- I'se was just...'

'Jealous' stated Y/N

'I'se was not jealous!' Mumbled Spot.

'Well thats a shame', Y/N began, 'because I love you too'

Spot lit up but before he could ramble another word he was silenced by Y/N's lips.

Oh yes, thinks were definetely getting better for Spot Conlon and Y/N L/N.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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