Flesh And Blood

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The wind was cold, flecking the blood into my face. Looking around, I realised where I was. Plunged into abject horror, I let my mouth hang agape at this realisation. Looking around, I recognised the twisted features of the trees, their branches leaning out towards me, as if an attempt to entangle me in their scratchy extended limbs protruding from bark rough and blackened. The trunks of these trees made my mind run amock, painting vividly distressed faces into its disfigured shape, faces of anguish and agony. I shook my head, determined to shake off the grip of fear my mind had caused. There was an unsettling feeling in the atmosphere, the cold wind causing my hair to whip around excitedly and wildly as if alive. The silence was suffocating, pierced only by the occasional screeching of what I believed to be the wind. At least, I hoped it was the wind. Darkness consumed me, blinded me like a cloak, and I suddenly became aware of my position in this scene. In front of me the moon beamed brightly, reflecting a ghostly pallor upon the murky depths of the river. I shivered, increasingly aware of an unknown tension filling the air; causing goosebumps to rise up my arms and legs. Looking down , I realised I was in my faded tartan bottoms and white shirt, put my shirt was covered with black mess and dirt, bottoms torn in places. Even more alarmingly, when I tried to move I found I was stuck. In horror, I slowly looked down, taking in the scene. My bare feet were tangled in thorny brambles, crusted dirt plastered on my pale bony feet. What made me wonder most was why I couldn't feel the thorns embedded in my foot. Suddenly I shifted, and a thorn pierced my skin. Immediately, any adrenaline I had dissipated, and I was left with an agonising pain. Leaning down with warm tears prickling my eyes, I attempted to unhook myself. No use. The mist shrouded me. Then : a rustle. Looking behind me, I let out a horrified shout as a warped figure glared at me on all fours. Something strangely human about it struck me as most terrifying, it's flesh and twisted limbs. However, the creature I now saw was definitely no human, neither any animal or creature I had ever come across. It's eyes reflected its insatiable hunger, its thirst for blood. My blood. With a screech it came closer, it's startlingly yellow eyes glaring at me with delight.Terror consuming me , I pulled my feet away , thorns ripping through my flesh. I winced, not only because of the pain but because I knew what this creature wanted. It wanted food. It wanted me. With adrenaline coursing through my veins I half ran half hopped through the woods, leaning against a tree and panting for breath. Looking around, it was nowhere in sight. Behind me I heard shuffling, and I turned around slowly. It was there. It gave a howl, flesh and bone fused together , human hands facing forward on wrists I had believed were unable to support it. Doglike and human. Then I realised I would never be able to survive this. I sprinted with all my energy, hearing it pounding after me. then I jumped, straight into the murky depths of the lake. Pondweed and water swirled around me, blocking out the animals terrible screech. I ducked lower, eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to block out this nightmare. I opened my eyes.
A warped, grotesque face glared back at me, jaw stripped of flesh. I fought the urge to scream. It was a mauled carcass, human. Mostly stripped of its skin, it was a grotesque sight nobody wished to see. It's black hair moved in the water, wrapping around my arm. With a pained expression, I swallowed the bile rising in my throat. Was this it?

I woke with a start, gasping for air and sweat dripping from my brow. It was a dream? I was breathless, resting my head on my pillow. A nightmare. Shuddering, I wondered how my mind could conjure such torturous and grim images. Shakily, i close my eyes. My breathing began to steady and I was able to compose myself. I licked my lips, and was met with a salty, dirt taste. I stuck out my tongue in disgust, before my eyes widened. Sitting up, I ran my fingers through my hair. Wet and matted, pondweed entangled in it. Was this another dream. I kicked my duvet away, looked at my clothes. Not only were they dirty and torn, my white shirt was now another colour. My white shirt was deep red. I uttered a high pitch wail at the sight on my arm, frozen in terror and disbelief. Clumps of matted black hair wrapped around my arm, attached to flesh from the scalp of my nightmare.
My senses overwhelmed me, the creatures scream resounding in my head over and over and over again. My mind could not cope with this truth, this horrifying truth. At this sight of flesh and blood that were not mine.... I fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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