Last Dance

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Soft giggles, fumbles of feet.

She danced with him, holding one hand. The other arm wrapped around his waist. Their chests touched as they spun and danced.

Humming along to the music, the woman smiled at her man as they spun. The woman's breath tainted with alcohol. Their clothes stained and torn.

Soft giggles, fumbles of feet.

Trickles and splats heard when jarring moves where made. But they kept dancing. The candles lit dimly giving a tangerine glow.

The woman beamed, like the clashing blue moonlight shining through the small cracked window. The soft lighting seemed to slowly darken.

Soft giggles, fumbles of feet.

The woman tilted the man's head and gently kissed him, his lips stiff. She grew tired of dancing, and the lights began to fade away.

"I love you," She said, slurring. She shoved him down to the ground and watched as the last of the blood pooled beneath the man, who's glassy eyes stared at her, and she smiled and giggled.

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