
18 0 17

Main Rules
You cannot escape unless I say so.
You can't kill anyone at the area. No guard or anything except if I say it's okay.
This is Individual. So ONLY me and you, nobody else. It cannot be you and whoever else, cause I get the notifications.
Do not steal or control my OCs.
If you read this, PM me and I'll tell you the password to put in your forum.
If you don't pm me and all of a sudden have the password, I won't accept you cause that means you copied.
And do not be a serial killer that you didn't make up. I will search up the names of your OC's and if it happens to already be a serial killer from somewhere else, you won't be accepted.

Side Rules
Since this is a RP for serial killers, you can only Roleplay as a serial killer.

No Overpowered Characters.

For this Serial Killers RP, we're mostly gonna have 18+ characters. So yes, swearing is allowed as long as you censor it.

As for smut, you choose. If no, you can RP in the comments and pm. If yes, only pm.

Hate the character, and not the roleplayer.

No homophobics or racism or anything bad! You will be banned!

Third person only.

Please be a little descriptive. At least 2 lines unless the detail isn't necessary, then 1 liners are allowed.

Don't rush one into a relationship unless I'm okay with it.

This is an individual Roleplay. So no group Roleplays. Just me and you.

If I don't respond after 2 hours, then tag me. If you spam me, I will block you.

Rape isn't allowed unless I'm okay with it.

The password is to give me an example of how you Roleplay. You must include how you RP out of Roleplay, how you write them doing action, and how you write them speaking. All of these must be added to be accepted.

No Marry/Garry sues

You have 3 strikes. Every time you break a rule, I will take one away. Once it's all gone, I will stop doing with you.

If you're leaving for somewhere, tell me before hand and don't leave me hanging.

The second password is to tag at least 2 people who might be interested in this Roleplay.

Do the forum first. Do not Roleplay unless I accept you. To be accepted, you must also add the 3 passwords, tagging as well. Have fun!

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