Chapter 18

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Milo's P.O.V

"Why the hell would Grey coming in to talk to us be a bother to us!? They were okay when Jinx came in the hour before, for fucks sake!" Phoenix calls out in anger, clearly irritated while I watch her, leaning on my hand as I sit on one of the armchairs in this parlour like room of the giant mansion. "Maybe it's an old gender beliefs they've got here." John said, from the armrest of the couch where she's settled in the middle of, Jinx at the other side of her and Grey in an arm chair at a right angle to them, closer to Jinx while I'm on a chair over the coffee table from the other woman. "Fuck off!" She snaps, looking round to John with a glare while he just continues to stare at her with an unreadable expression, one of his arms braced on the backrest of the couch while the other is laying on the calf of the leg he has upturned to rest the ankle on the knee of his opposite leg. He's picking at the skin around his thumb with his other finger, his jaw is locked and his knee which is floating around mid air thanks to his leg being propped up on the other is bouncing. He's agitated, and I don't like that, but I kind of do.

For one I hate it mostly because the guy scares the crap out of me, he looks like he could murder me in brutal ways and not even think twice about it. No regret, no remorse, and that scares me. I don't know where I get that vibe, but I do, and it's only amplifying my fear anytime he glares at me, or catches me looking at Phoenix just a second too long. But I can't help it, just like I can't help my feelings at the moment. She's mad at him, Phoenix, for something, I think it's because he's been talking to that Leanne girl so much, and she doesn't like that. Which is a bad sign really, because it means she's getting possessive over him, but it's also good because it means things are getting tense between them.

What I mean by the fact that I can't help my feelings is that I can't help but feel... Happy. Happy that whatever is going on between them is rocky at the moment. I don't like them together, I'm scared he might hurt her, emotionally, mentally or physically, and that makes me angry, but what am I supposed to do about it? It's not my business, I shouldn't pry, or tell Phoenix what she can and can't do, that's not my place, and even if I did decide to step in and do something, what? What would I do? I'm terrible at convincing people because generally they don't like paying attention to me, apart from the girls, and I can't fight, he'd kill me, he got Phoenix and himself out of the car almost effortlessly in the most awkward positions while hardly even blinking as he injured himself further just to make sure she wouldn't.

I suppose that's a good point for him, he didn't want her hurt, but I'm still not convinced he himself wouldn't harm her, even if it was just in the heat of a moment, mid argument, they're screaming at each other, she tries to walk away but he grabs her to pull her back a bit too roughly, his knuckles white with his grip on her arm as he throws her back into the room. She'd scream back at him for that, with how stubborn she is there's no way she'd back down, I can picture that glare on her face so well, it scares me at how easily I can see such hatred in her eyes towards him. But then I can also see him, his nose scrunched as he looks at her, his arm drawing back while his hand is balled into a fist while he lets it connect with her face, using such force that she crumples to the ground. That's my worst nightmare, and I can see him doing that so well. That's what scares me the most. I want to protect Phoenix, but I don't know how...

The sun has set a while ago, I was watching as the warm colours bathed Phoenix in such a warm glow, casting soft shadows over her, highlighting her features so well and making me smile at the irony of her name and the fact it looked like her hair burned with a distant fire anytime the light caught on it in a certain way. But now it's set, and a silver glisten has taken over her, making her blue eyes shine so brightly, her smile seem radiant even if it is a cheeky smirk to a teasing exchange between Jinx and Grey aimed at her. She sits so comfortably, so relaxed and at ease, I wish I could be like her in that respect, but I always feel uncomfortable in a room where I'm unsure of myself, which is most rooms, but especially with ones John is in. I look away from Phoenix once I notice John is glaring at me, and the reason I noticed this is because he sat up straight, no longer leaning on the couches backrest as he lets his foot drop to the floor. I gulp.

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