Chapter Three; The Light Sleeper.

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I had a dream that night. It was dark, very very dark. I don't exactly know why, but for some reason I felt safe. Even with the unsettling nature of the blackness, I felt like I was protected. And I didn't want to leave.

I don't think dreams have meaning, but this dream did, and I wouldn't figure out why for a long time. But that was ok, because sometimes the feeling is what matters most.

I woke up. According to my alarm clock, it was 2:30 in the morning. Why did I wake up?  I'm not sure, but I felt something watching me. I sat up a little bit to see Dalilah standing in the corner. Silently watching me.

“What is it Dee..?”

“Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..”

“It’s fine. What's wrong?”

“I can't sleep very well.” She looked down.

“Ok. Um, would you..” I got nervous for a moment. “Like to sleep up here?”

She looked up quickly. “Are you sure?”

“Sure, why not.” I scooted over to give her room. “Here.” I patted the bed next to me.

She slowly walked up to the bed and sat down. She took the covers and laid down.

She looked at me. “Thank you.”

“Of course Dee, you're my best friend.” I smiled at her.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while.

“Sorry I'm such a light sleeper.”

“You're absolutely fine Dee.” I wrapped my arms around her to give her a hug. I went to let go,  but she stopped me.


So I did. She fell asleep in my arms, and eventually I fell asleep too. This situation was getting harder and harder. I falling in love with a murderer, and I had no idea of what to do about it.


The morning was just as uneventful as always. Except now, I had someone to eat breakfast with, we talked and talked.

She seems to have an interest in softball, which is very surprising since she's very non athletic.

“I've always wanted to play,” she spoke with her mouth full of honey bunches. “Never really gotten the chance though.”

“Huh, maybe we should play sometime. That might be fun.” I smiled.

“That would be awesome!” She clapped her hands excitedly.

I checked my watch. “Oh shoot, I'm almost late!” I jumped up from the table and grabbed my jacket. I turned to her. “I love you.” Just like that it slipped out. I froze for a moment.

“I love you too.” She smiled sweetly.

My eyes stayed locked on hers for a good 10 seconds. “Bye.” I closed the door behind me and grabbed my chest. I walked to my car and got in. I couldn't do this. As sad as it was, she was a murderer. Maybe she would change, I hoped she would.

It was like she had two different personalities. This innocent neighborhood girl, and this remorseless killer. I was no psychologist, I had no idea of how to fix her, but I needed too. It's not like I could get help. We'd both go to prison. And then it hit me.

I was literally hiding a murderer in my house. This was crazy. And I was falling in love with her. I was falling in love with a psychopath. Maybe I'm the one who needs help.

Work was boring for the most part. Except for one event that got me a little on edge.


“Yes Amy,” I said without looking up from my computer.

“You know how my brothers been staying with me?” Amy spoke leaning against my cubical wall.

“Uh huh.” I spoke again half listening. You see, Amy was really into me, and I did not have any interest in her, but she would talk to me day after day about what was going on with her brother. She was very dramatic. I just wanted her to go away.

“Well we got in a fight last night.” Amy looked down. “And um, he got really angry and ran out.”

“Oh jees!” I said acting intrigued.

“He hasn't come home… i looked for him all night, but I haven't found him and I'm so worried something's happened to him you know?”

I paused for a moment. “About what time did he leave?”

“Um, like 5:30 I think. Why?”

That's an hour before I got home. That's the exact time that Dalilah killed that man. I started sweating. “No reason, just wondering.” Amy was annoying, but not bad, she didn't deserve to lose her brother. And if my suspicions were correct, she just did. “Well, I really hope you find him.”

“Just keep your eyes pealed, will you?” She said in a nervous tone.

“Of course Amy.”

“Your such a guy, I don't know what I'd do without you.” She hugged me and walked away.

Guilt hit my stomach like a rocket. I was not a good guy. I was very bad. I was hiding an actual murderer.


After work I drove by a sporting goods store and picked up a soft ball and some catching mitts. I was already planning on doing this, but it felt a little wrong. I ended up giving them to a few boys who were playing at a park near bye. She didn't deserve a gift.

I drove home not really knowing what I was going to say to her when I got there.

I pulled into my driveway and just sat there for a good 20 minutes. I slowly got out and stepped up to my front door. I put my key in the lock and walked in.

Immediately a disgusting aroma hit my nose and I nearly vomited. I closed the door quickly behind me. As I looked around my once beautiful home, I saw streaks of blood all over my walls and floor. I held my nose and walked through the horror movie that was now my house. In my family room, there was three heads tied to the ceiling fan spinning around in circles. I finally vomited. That's when I heard that psychotic laughter. It was coming from the basement. I slowly walked down each stair until I hit the landing. I turned the corner to see Dalilah sewing two human’s upper halfs together.

“Dee..?” I said in a shaky voice.

She slowly turned her head around to face me. Her smile disturbed me down to my soul. She looked at me for a few seconds and her disturbed face turned into her regular smile. “Hi Andi!”

“Dee… what have you done.”

She looked confused. “What do you mean?” She turned around to face her work and screamed dropping the mutated being. “I don't even know where this came from.” She faced me. “D-did I do this?” She seemed legitimately terrified.

I shook my head.

“W-whats wrong with me..?” She curled into a ball. “I didn't mean


I needed to turn her in. She couldn't control herself. She was a monster and I was protecting her. This was my fault.

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