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Rose's POV.

*CRASH* "AH" oh no I can't believe I dropped my only vase. "No no no" I looked at the broken pieces that I was going to pick up and then throw away.

"Sweetie oh my god are you okay. Did you cut yourself. Let me see. Oh my god there's so much blood. Let's go to the hospital! Megan get the keys!" Of course my mom was going to be dramatic about the broken vase which is sweet but she sometimes takes it over board.

"Lily stop being so dramatic, the child is okay. Right Rose?" "Yes I'm okay mom" I gave mom a small smile cause I knew she was worry too but she wanted to be the cool lay back mother unlike my other mom who's the over protective mom, she starts panicking with a small paper-cut but I still love her.

"Oh stop. Rosie sweetie it's okay if you want to go to the hospital and check that paper cut, it might be infected" "mom the only way I can get infected is if I had a cut which I don't so it won't get infected" "yay lily and where the hell do you see blood cause I don't see any!" I should leave now cause this is the part where they go at each other.

"Oh don't start with me, I taught I saw some okay and it's your fought that she doesn't want to go check on that cut" "WHAT CUT?! THERE ISNT ONE!?" I started waking up the stairs into my building with a smile.

They always did this. They never really had big fights. They would argue over nothing really, it was basically Megan who always started it cause she likes to see mom all piss off because she looks funny when she's mad which is kinda of mean but at the end Megan does everything she can to make her happy.

And of course Lily still doesn't know that Megan is basically making fun of how she gets mad. That's mom, she's so focused on the situation that she forgets about everything else.

I walking up the 2nd floor cause that's where my apartment is. I'm not complaining I mean it's better than floor 7. I made it to my apartment and while I was there I hid the extra key to the apartment on top of the door so if I every forget my key there's an extra. I just hope that no one knocks it down and finds it because that would turn out really bad.

I opened the door and I can still smell the dust that was all over the room. I opened 3 windows in the living room and it's still dusty in here. I guess I'm going to dust everything myself.

I opened a box which was the kitchen silverware and started putting those away while I was doing that I started thinking.

I can't believe I moved. Never in my 20 years of living would've taught I was moving to Chicago. My hometown is New Orleans so this move is a big change for me.

Both of my moms were actually trying to convince me not to move, I was really surprise by Megan cause she always backed me up and understood where I was coming from but I understand why they didn't want me to move.

This was going to be a big change and I was going to finally live by myself but I had to do this. I had to finally grow up and do something I love. I couldn't spend my whole life in New Orleans. That's just not who I am. I was someone who loved to go places. When I was little I would Wonder off somewhere because I was so amused with everything around me and I never had to worry about losing contact with my friends because I didn't have a "group" of friends. I pretty much hanged out in the library.

I'm not complaining I love the library, it's so peaceful and exciting. There's so many books you can read. I got all my homework done in the library.

"You can't back down now Rose. Your already in Chicago. There's no going back" I kept telling myself that because deep down I know that I was scared and should back down and go back to New Orleans.

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