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lgbtqia+ : you are not an outcast

despite all the gay parades and pride month and whatever efforts the society is putting up just to raise awareness about your sexuality, people just can't see past being gay, bisexual, lesbian etc. as being an abnormality. 

and that's their problem.

honestly, whatever your sexuality is, or even if you are still unsure of what your sexuality is, it DOES NOT MATTER.

what matters is that you are being a nice person. beauty does not come in the form of your sexuality, it is from your personality.

so guess what? ask yourself one simple question.

you're [insert your sexuality here], are you a nice person to everyone around you?

you are who you are, a human. a human who is beautiful inside out, a human who is loving and caring, a human who makes mistakes.

yes, making mistakes is a part and parcel of life.

so, does your sexuality define you?

does it put a label to you? are you labeled as a [insert sexuality here]? 

it shouldn't be the case. 

love is love, and if you really love a person, that person's sexuality, gender, pronouns etc. shouldn't matter to you.

having a different sexuality from other "normal" people out there is alright! you are still valid! if society still fails to accept you, it is just honestly their lost. there's really nothing much you can do to change a person's mind unless it is through action. be a nice person to everyone around you, be supportive and be yourself, the lovely person you are.

i love you and please do not change who you are as a person because no one is worth you suppressing your sexuality.

victorious ☼ positivityWhere stories live. Discover now