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A/N: Yes! Finally! Here it it, the much anticipated Seamione one shot that somehow turned itself into a three-shot. If you're here from my Dramione story 'The Green Games' that had Seamione as a secondary pairing, welcome. If you're here because you like Seamione, this very rare ship, glad to see ya! If you're not sure why you're here, glad you could stumble in and I hope I turn you onto a new ship :)

The title of this story, a a bit of the plot in certain parts, comes from a wonderfully heavy song called 'The Other Side' by Woodkid. The whole album, tbh that this song is on, is just a masterpiece. If you ever want something romantic and hard and deep...listen to that, because really, it's quite worth it. The song I first heard was on s1 of the 100 (if you follow me as a writer, you know I ALSO love that show) and it was such a perfect exodus piece for the scene it was in. Poetic cinema...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this part 1. I'll see you all in bold on the other side, yo!


I heard a whisper on my shoulder
Pretending life is worth the fight
O can you hear the song of thunder
When fear strangles a soldier's pride
And on the surface of the waters
Will dance reflections of the fire in the night

I remember cheering from towers
A face is smiling in the light
I remember the bells, the flowers
Those days are dying in the dark

Boy I was shaped for the fury
Now I pay the price
Of the human race's vice
And I was promised
The glorious ending of a knight
But the crown is out of sight

I'm slowly drifting into slumber
Cause I have lost the force to fight
It's like a cold hand on my shoulder
I'll see you on the other side

And in the arms of endless anger
Will end the story of a soldier in the dark

The Other Side-Woodkid


The exodus from Hogwarts stood out starkly in Hermione's mind as the worst moment of her life. She recalled standing speechless on the ridge in the Forbidden Forest above the school, watching in horror as her entire world burned to the ground around her. She could still see the flashes of spells, as vivid and quick as lightning, of the brave souls of teachers and parents that had defended their children until their very last breath so at least some of them could escape. She remembered the feeling of students pouring out around her, brushing against her as they trampled through the underbrush, fear alighting their veins and looking to anyone for answers. She remembered the smell of decay, of death. The smell of Hogwarts burning and crumpling to the ground in front of her, years of memories sliding away all too fast.

She remembered Harry's pale face and faint breathing, just enough to assure her that he wasn't dead...yet. She remembered knowing this was the moment that it was over, the horrible gut-wrenching feeling of their victory, freedom, and lives snatched away.

She remembered the first years looking up to her, Hermione Granger, desperately seeking answers and Hermione looking around for an adult before realizing with a sense of dread she was one of the most senior ones there. It was the realization that somehow she'd moved from the box that was childhood, simple joys, and simple problems to adulthood with real responsibilities and difficult choices. While maybe it happened happened right then and there, it wasn't a position she'd realized she'd come into. She had no choice but to dive into that now.

They hadn't gotten a chance to evacuate the school before Voldemort came. They hadn't been expecting it, but in a way they were always expecting it, yet they were sorely unprepared. Children were shoved in secret passageways and behind locked doors, praying that anyone below the age of adulthood would merely survive without having to be traumatized the rest of their lives.

The Other Side (Seamus/Hermione)Where stories live. Discover now