Aaron Carpenter

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Aaron: question; how many books do you have?

Y/n: why?

Aaron: I got this guy here at the Meet & Greet that's totally into books and is like exactly like you

Y/n: okay...... I've got around 100

Aaron: well he says the same, hoe about I get him to meet you?

Y/n: uh ok. where am I meeting him?

Aaron: backstage

Y/n: wtf your bringing this guy backstage?

Aaron: yes I am. now come on sis, get out here

Y/n: give me 10

Aaron, if you hadn't guessed yet, is my annoying as fuck brother. He sees some dude in the crowd or in the meet & greets and somehow always get them to meet me. sometimes this thing works into having a friendship with the guy instead of what Aaron's idea of getting me a boyfriend is. anyways I walk out side of the bus to the security guy and show him my pass that show's I'm a part of Magcon. He slide's the door open and I step in to see the Rowland's and Blake Gray, as I walk up to talk to them I'm pulled back by none other than my older brother (only by like 5 minutes though).

" Hey y/n! How are ya?" he smiles brightly at me

"Great until I was interrupted from reading my book" I look at him sternly, then I hear a gentle laugh a little way behind me. I turn and see the Rowland's and Blake with a very attractive boy, who I don't know, meaning this is probably the guy Aaron was talking about.

"y/n, I see that you've finally looked at Sean, go and talk to him stupid" he whispered at me.

"you're horrible at whispering Aaron, truely. So y/n, I heard you like books, what genre do you like?" I could see the other boys backing away as we walked around slowly to one of the many dressing rooms.

"Oh I love sooo many, it's really hard to choose honestly. How about you? what's your kind?" I smiled at him, looking into his brown eye's.

"Uh same in all honesty but I am currently reading some sort of horror book I guess" he smiles sheepishly whilst shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh yeah, what book?" raise my left eyebrow slightly.

"Um, it's called The Twisted Ones... It's the second book of a series for a video game called Five Nights at Freddy's... it's good" (A/N I'm actually reading that book lmao) I started laughing a little as he was trying to explain. "Why are you laughing?" He smiled, but I could tell he was a little confused.

"Believe it or not, I'm reading the exact same book now, that's why I was telling Aaron that he interrupted my reading haha" I smiled. " And look I've even got the book with me" lifting up my arm and showing the book in my small hand.

"woah I can't believe I didn't notice that before" he took the book gently from my hand, flipping through to see where I was at.

"oh my you've read ahead of where I am" he smiled profusely, slowlt closing the book and running his hand over the cover.

"is that a good or bad thing?" I looked at him a little confused to what he meant.

"no that's amazing! I love girls who read, especially if they're in the same genre and even the same book" he flashed a smile where you could see his bright white teeth.

" I think I love those compliments more than I should to be honest" I moved slightly closer as he still held my book. I leaned on him slightly, "so where are you in this book?" (spoilers)

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