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Monday May 6th 

     Dear Calum, 

I stopped writing to you in hopes you'd wondered what happened, and send something back.

That clearly didn't work.

I really hope you're doing okay. 

I've gone to the cabin twice, just for the boy's sake, it meant a lot to them. although, I don't think I'll be going back. It just doesn't feel right. 

God I miss you so damn much. is it wrong? for me to think you'd reply, that a part of you would even miss me? it's like i forgot how things ended. 

I told you I hated you, I just want you to know. that's not true. 

I still love you. 


Abby, xx


holy crap it's been a hot minute. does anyone still go on here? lmao.

I literally was so bored in class I saw this book and thought, hmm I should try to finish this up. 

there is gonna be a huge plot twist, some of you might seen it coming, but i'm not sure.. 

hopefully you all still support me and read this. 

lots of love :) 

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