Little Brother's Health Assistance

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The main characters, Drake and Ty, are brothers, Drake is the one in high school and Ty is the 3-and-a-quarter year old. Their father had been a senator and their mother a model, but they died in a car accident. Their head butler, Sebastian Takeshi (super-butler-who’s-first-name-may-or-may-not-have-been-legally-changed to the rescue!), had stepped in to become their guardian, the government accepted after a long debate. This is a day from their lives, I hope you like! Everything not in English will be Italic and if it’s in a thought then it will stay Italic.


Little Brother's Health Assistance

“Goodnight, Drake-sama, Ty-sama.” Sebastian bows, his sharp black glasses glinting in the hallway’s golden chandelier light. He has swept-back brown-hair and green eyes that surprisingly fit him; he’s wearing a custom-made butler’s suit, tailor-made by Giovanni Gurneshcelli before his death. The suffix he had used means that he is being highly respectful to the two.

Drake sighs. “I’ve told you to just call us by our first names without honorifics. Ty is young now, but if he grows up hearing you call him ‘-sama’ he might start expecting it. And we don’t need to spoil him too much, do we?” He asks. Appearance wise, he has shocking-red hair that was never dyed and honey-brown eyes. Aforementioned brother is perched on his hip, thumb in his mouth and a blue-whale blanket covering his black-hair, sleep heavy in his blue eyes.

But you never let him wander to far from your leg, let alone from your sight. Sebastian thinks, fixing his glasses with his middle and ring finger. “Understood, Drake-sama. I will do my best to call Ty-sama without the honorific.”

Drake notices how he’d pointedly left out calling him by his name alone, he sighs and decides to deal with it later. “Goodnight, Sebastian. I’ll see you in the morning.” He says, opening the door to his room.

“Goodnight, Drake-sama, Ty-sama.”

“Goo’ nigh’, ‘tian…” Ty murmurs sleepily, blearily opening and closing his hand in a farewell gesture.

Drake smiles, nodding to Sebastian before closing the door. The inside of their room decadent and lavished, two windows on each cobalt and sea glass-colored wall. Drake places Ty on the bed and closes the curtains, then he heads over to a switch and turns off the light, making the chandelier lights dim into nothing. Now visible with the room dark, up on the ceiling are glow-in-the-dark stars and moon. Drake and Sebastian had put them up there so Ty could sleep without a night-light.

Drake crawls onto bed, covering up Ty first and then sliding himself in, Ty latches onto his arm and Drake gives it up, knowing how the tike can’t sleep without holding onto something.

“Goodnight, Ty.” He murmurs, giving him a customary goodnight kiss. Someone has to do it since their parents are unfortunately no longer with the living.

“Goo’ nigh’, Dwa’.” Ty responds in his sleepy-toddler slur. Drake smiles, watching Ty’s breathing ease into sleep-induced ones before drifting off to sleep himself.


When Drake wakes up he realizes that he feels sluggish, and sweaty. He tries to lift his hand, but realizes that he can’t. He can see Ty sleeping to his side. He knows that he’s got a fever, and he doesn’t want Ty to catch it, so he tries to get up. This time, he tries putting all of his energy into getting up. He feels exhausted already but tries to ignore it, stifling a groan as he puts his feet on the ground and gets up. He wraps a few of the numerous covers around him, looking like some kind of blanket-monster (unbeknownst to him) while feeing impossibly hot and cold at the same time. He drops one of the pillows onto the floor (a peculiar action indeed) and then walks over to the door, opening it. He trudges into the hallway, feeling as if his energy is being drained out of his body and absorbed into the cold marble floor. He nearly falls over when turning the corner, but steadies himself by grabbing hold of the wall.

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