Chapter 1

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Rocky's POV

The last thing I've heard her say was . . " Rocky Why? Just Why would you do something like that to hurt me? It was between me and you. What did . . ."




I woke up and notice it was just a nightmare. Whatever happened I hope It don't really happen tho. I mean it seem to be too extreme, and not even I could take all that. That's just something big and I'm not up for all that shxt.

Anyways, my name Rocky. I am 20 years old, 6'3 dark skinned, with tats. I always got grills on soo thats how im basically unique. I have my own style that I've notice a couple mu'fuckas trynna dress like me. Hey, imma leader, I love my follwers. Ahaha. Anyways I don't got a girl tho. Why?? Because every bitch is a thot, nastyy ass hoes now a days. What has our world came to? Well I if y'all don't know, wither do I. I guess you cn say I want a good girl that will be bad only for me. Like a real freaky ass one only for me, when I need her and want her to. Seems hard to find a girl like that now a days tho. I mean this world is fucked up. When I finally meant the girl I always wanted, I'mma treat her like no nigga ever treated her before. She'll be only mine too.

Soooo anyways back to my life, I'm a rapper and I've been getting known around the world. Of course I got fans, or else I wouldn't call myself a rapper. I've been thru a lot, and I do have secrets like everyone else, and just like them, I don't tell my secrets to anyone. I would need to trust you with my life if I was to tell you what my secrets are. That's all in the past tho, and I doubt what I've gone thru before will ever happen again. Thta's another reason why I am single, ahahh.

Okay so I am a pretty chill ass nigga once you get to know me. I don't open up to a lot of people, and to those who I do, wellll . . . Let's just say you're special in a way.  You could be retarted, ahahh okay that's not cool at all imma chill with that shxt.



Uhhh . . . My father left my mother when he found out she was pregnant. Then my mother died giving birth to me. So yeah I basically had no parents since I didn't get to meet them. My uncle took me in as his own kid, and I am thankful for that. Before I turned 16, he had got shot from the rivals. That was the only other fam I had. My aunt well that bitch ain't like me so she kicked me out. She had told me I was a bad influence for her kids and she didn't want my negativity around them. With those words was the last time I've seen and heard from her. I'm not trippin tho.

After all that shxt, it motivated me to focus on rapping and all that. I started stealing and selling stuff. I would fix technology and cars to get paid. I leanred from my uncle when I was a kid. I guess you can say, he influnced me and I catched on asap.

One day when I was repairing a really nice car, it was an 1990's SS Camero the best car I've seen. I ain't know who car it was so I was careful as fuck, more careful then I ever was. As I fix the car I was listening to instrumental beats and freestyling. When a man taps me on my leg and I get out from under the car. I took my earphones out and stood up looked at him. The man looked up at me and said " Son you finished with my car yet? " I looked at him and replied " Yessir, I was just going to dust the hood of it since I've got it dirt sir. " The man lauhed and said " Son it's fine. I'll just take it to the car wash or have my bitches wash it for me. " I smiled and nodded

He started to walk to the door of his car. As soon as he reached for the handle he said "Son you got real talent, why don't you hmu when  you ready to make a living out of it. " I seen him pull out a card, took some cash out and gaved them both to me. I looked at the cash and just couldn't belive how much money he gaved me. I quickly said " Sir this is too much money. " He then said " Son that's nothing compare to what I make, plus you need it and you can make the same amount too. Why don't you keep the extra money as a tip. " With the happiest tone I said " Thank you sir, it means a lot and I will give you a call later.The man looked at me, smiled then got in his car and drove off.




From that point on I knew my life would chance, and as I look back to it, It really has. Nothing has been the same. I get the baddest bitches, I have money to blow, I buy pounds of kushh, I got one of the biggest shoe game, my clothes are also unique. I repp that color purple a lot too, and I am not gay for that shxt tho.

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Hey babes, hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Updadting my other books with their new chapters this weekend. So look for that.

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Also if you wanna be a character mesg me babes

Have a good day :)

- Jaiie

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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