The Stairway

7 4 0

I picked up my towel

and my set of clothes

and I entered the bathroom.

Ahh, my head was hurting a little bit.

Probably from that hit,

or so.

The room was practically spinning,

as fast as it could go.

I held onto the wall

and they breathed in and out..


I started the water

and fell backwards.

Eventually I gave up

and left the room.


my friend was gone.


I could barely say.

"Hopefully he's alright."

I pray.

I put on my diamond ring

and put on my paper wings

and flew about


down into the living room,

saw no one.

Sigh, he must be on the run.

They always run, no friend

wants to be on my side.

No one ever wants to see the end

upon my loyal, and innocent ride..

I was pacing back and forth but then I noticed..

That staircase..

Once again.

Stumbling towards the window I just admired it,

it's beauty.

It sat right in the middle of the road,

right infront of my humble abode.

Lovely, colorful.

So many colors,


The staircase went all the way up to the moon,

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