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Thael moved over her, "We're just getting started."

With a thought, he dissipated his pants started to settle between her thighs. Sadie stared at him, he was larger than she had expected, larger than the maids had described a man to be, and he was very erect.

"I don't..." she whispered, her eyes flying up to his face.

"You'll enjoy this, I swear," he said as he lowered himself against her. He definitely would. She had tasted far better than she should have, made him crave feeling her wrapped around him, being buried inside of her. He took her lips again as he adjusted the head of his shaft at her opening. Slowly he pushed into her moist depths, fighting for control so he didn't take her too fast the first time. He pulled out slightly, coating himself in her release, and pushed further into her, her muscles tight around him.

Sadie placed her hands on his shoulders and inhaled softly as he filled her, stretching her. His lips moved to her neck, his hands caressing her sides. He moved one arm down to caress her bum and then pushed past her maidenhead. She felt a sharp pressure and then pleasure as he fully seated himself inside of her. He caressed her hip and started moving slowly, adjusting his angle until she moaned. Wrapping her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his firm behind, she started moving against him. She was searching for something she couldn't describe, the faster he moved the more she felt.

Thael growled into her neck, moving faster, her tightness bringing him close to his release. He used his thumb to rub her nub as he moved faster. Sadie cried out as her climax overcame her, tensing around him, clutching him with her inner muscles. Thael thrust his face into a pillow and roared as he emptied himself deeply inside of her, shuddering in the after throws of his climax. He slowly pumped a few more times and then lifted his head, looking into her eyes. His were now a deep maroon color, the gray completely gone. The glyphs covering his shoulders and sides had also changed to a deep obsidian, she noted, running her fingers over them. She felt like she should be concerned but didn't have the energy to really care. Sadie turned her head to the side and yawned. Thael chuckled and moved off of her, laying on his side and pulling her close.

"Rest quickly, I'm not nearly done with you and the night is long," he said, nuzzling her cheek.


Sadie moaned in her sleep. She was laying on her stomach, her face buried in her arms. She dreamed that a weight was pressing firmly down on top of her but not suffocating. Warmth spread through her, making her moan again.

She didn't want to wake up, today was the day she was getting married to Olaf and she didn't want to think too closely at what her life would be like. She wanted to enjoy this moment of pleasure without worry. A sharp nip on her ear made her eyes fly open.

Thael was lying over her, his arms braced around her and his chest pinning her to the bed. Sadie could feel his engorged member pressed firmly into the crease between her cheeks. The creature was insatiable, he had already woken her up two other times to find his pleasure, always making sure that she found hers first. When he saw that she was awake, he kissed the spot just behind her ear.

"It's almost dawn," he said, taking in her scent. It had changed over the last few hours, losing the sweetness that he associated with virginity. Her scent had become muskier, more mature, though no less intoxicating to his senses. He could easily become addicted to her if he wasn't careful.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked, blinking away the grogginess.

"A few hours, I figured I would let you rest, we have a big day today," he grinned at her, moving himself to grind slowly against her opening.

"What kind of demon are you?" she asked as he lifted her hips, shoving a pillow below her pelvis.

"Incubus," he sucked on one of his fingers and placed in between her lower lips, rubbing her bud gently. Her insides clenched, his saliva causing her to become soaked with fluids as he prepared her for his entry.

Sadie started and turned her head to look at him with wide, shocked eyes, her body still firmly pinned under his. His type of demon was the most notorious for seducing women to their deaths. They were sex-crazed, using their partners until they literally died of exhaustion and then moving onto their next prey.

"Don't worry," he said, correctly interpreting her look, "I evolved past my baser nature long ago. I have no interest in causing you harm. I only have one night with your lushness, I figured I would take advantage of it while I can."

He grinned at her and with one strong fluid motion, filled her. Sadie buried her face in the bed as he moved, hitting just the right spot to melt her insides. He used his finger to rub her in time with his movements, counterbalancing the pressure and giving her no reprieve from pleasure. Quickly he was able to bring her to her release, slowing his own movements to savor her as her muscles clenched around him.

He tortured her slowly, removing his hand from her bud and rubbed it over her side and thigh. Groaning, he leaned down and bit gently into the back of her shoulder, tasting her skin. After a moment, he sat up on his knees. Gripping her hips firmly, Thael started to move inside of her, increasing his speed. Sadie was on the verge of breaking again, her eyes tightly shut as she breathed heavily.

Thael replaced his finger on her bud, moving it in a slow back and forth motion. Sadie screamed into the bed as a second release overtook her. Thael thrust into her hard, bending down and growling into her back as he shuddered over her, wrapping his arm tightly around her hips and releasing his fluids. He kissed her back softly as he let her fall back onto the bed, removing the pillow and throwing it to the head of the bed. Pulling out of her, he flopped onto the bed next to her, grinning.

Sadie shook her head and turned over. He was cute when he was being playful, his hard features lighting up. She wondered who he really was, if there was something more behind the salacious facade. Not much was known about demons, they were a secretive race by nature. Most warlocks weren't interested in getting to know them, they just used the demons for their own purposes. Frowning, Sadie realized that she wasn't much better, only summoning him to fight for her. He would be gone after today and she didn't really know more about him than that he was an amazing lover and seemed confident he wouldn't have any issues fighting Olaf. Thael ran his hand over her breast, caressing her, his eyes hungry. He rolled her nipple between his fingers. "Don't worry about me, I promise I won't hurt the human too badly."

Sadie gave him a small smile, "I'm not very concerned about his welfare, promise you'll be careful."

He leaned over her and took her lips into his one last time, then playfully snapped his teeth at her nose.

"I must go, your maids will be here soon to bathe and dress you for your wedding," he winked at her, "Wouldn't want them to find me deflowering the bride."

Thael vanished into smoke, leaving her alone on the bed. Sadie stretched, not looking forward to the day ahead of her.

A knock sounded on the door and she sprang up, covering herself with the sheets. She heard the bolt slide back as the door was unlocked and a maid came through the portal carrying a slate colored dress. Sadie curled her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees, trying to look like she hadn't just been disheveled six ways from Sunday.

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