2.6K 107 11

TAG BY ; Junghoesheokkk
**betul eh org yg aku tag ni?😂**

**Wattpad buat hal jadi terpaksa copy paste soalan**

1. How Old Are You
2. Whats your shoe size
3. How tall are you
4. Whats your fav color
5. Whats your fav food
6. Who's your ultimate bias
7. Ultimate bias gp
8. Intrusting about you
9. Color of eyes
10.Number of siblings

Answer :

::13 emn thun dpn 14




::Act, author suke mkn org. AUMM

:: Justin Seagull


::Tapaham soalan ni wei



Tag 10 people

Author x bnyak kwn dlm wp jdi author x tag spe, readers klau nk buat bleh je

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