Counting Stars (Chlover)

875 53 22

Ooh! Fluff! ^_^


"896,378,524,000,000," The Doctor spluttered randomly one morning over his dark tea. Rose's eyelids felt heavey as she looked up at him.

"What?" Sleep tugged at her bones.

"There are 896,378,524,000,000 named stars in the universe," the Docter yawned. "In case you were wondering."

Rose smiled into her steaming mug. "I wasn't," she giggled. "But anyway what about you?" she pointed at the dark circles under his eyes. "You look terrible."

The Doctor looked pointily at one of the table lags, puffing out his cheeks. "Just-- just didn't sleep well last night I guess," he mumbled.

Lately I've been, I've been loosing sleep.

Rose's smile was both sympathetic and mischievous. "Anything on your mind?" She inquired, biting her tongue in that nasty habit of hers.

The Doctor shook his head. "Nothing important," he lied.

Dreaming about the things we could be.

Rose stood up and dumped her un-drunk tea into the sink. "I had a dream last night," she said hopping up into the kitchen counter. "You and I actually did get a morgage. But we could barley afford it."

The Doctor laughed slightly and his tea followed Rose's down the sink.

And lately I've been, I've been playing hard.

"Rubbish," he murmured, going to stand in front of he and placing his hands softly on her knees. "I would buy you the entire universe if you wanted it."

Rose openly laughed. "You don't have any money on this ship," she said. "Believe me, I've checked"

"Oh I don't need pounds or dollars or whatever that Mexican money is called." The Doctor looked deeply into Rose's brown eyes.

Said no more counting dollars

Rose's mouth quirks up. Her eyes flashed confusion. The Doctor smiled sweetly. "I've got the stars," he whispered, bridging the gap between them and engulfing her mouth with his.

We'll be Counting Stars

Rose was suprised at first. Her eyes widened as the Doctor's closed. But as his lips began to move against hers, she relaxed and closed her eyes as well. Sher sighed and spread her knees apart, allowing the Doctor to stand between her thighs.

He placed his hands softly on her hips and tipped his head back to kiss her deeper. Rose slowly ran her hands up his arms and wrapped them around his neck. Her fingers wove into his floppy, ruffled, bed-hair.

He tasted like mornig tea and sunshine and other things that didn't even have a name. The Doctor could taste her toothpaste on the underside of her teeth as his tongue explored her mouth.

If Rose Tyler was a drug, then the Doctor was fully and unashamly addicted.

With each breath they shared, the Doctor felt more and more of him taking over her (he had a bad feeling this was some sort of 'time-lord possesion thing. hehe oh well). She was his, no one elses. He wanted to snog her untill she smelled like him and only him-- no sent of her own-- only "The Doctor's Rose."

After many sunlit decades-- well probaly more like 55 seconds-- they broke apart.

The Doctor's floppy hair was even more messier than usual. His lips were bright pink and his pupils were blown wide. Rose's cheeks matched her name and her sleep top was disarray.

They grinned and watched other meekly.

"Pancakes?" The Doctor asked cheekily.

Rose's smile split across her face. "As long as I get a Dalek-Shaped one."

The Doctor gave her a pointed look.

"With chocolate chips!" she added.

After that, the Doctor couldn't resist her adorable grin and ducked to press his lips against hers once more before turning and clambering around the kitchen for the pancake mix, chattering about all the adventures they would go on today amongst the stars.

Yeah we'll be counting stars.


=3 cute little fluffy song-fic of the tenrose.


Song: Counting Stars - One Republic

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