The Beginning

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Naomi's POV

Finally the day had come! I couldn't wait to get to the studio. It wasn't the official studio. My partner and I would move into the one that most people saw on TV after the first show. I was supposed to arrive at the studio at 12:00, but I had been up since six. I could hardly sleep last night. The same thoughts kept going through my head, Who the heck is my partner?, Am I going to be any good?, What if I make a fool of myself. I just wanted to have fun and, well if I was being completely honest, I wanted to win. Then again, winning wasn't too important at the moment since I hadn't even started yet. I looked at the clock. 11:30 it read. Wait, 11:30!? Shit! I have to get going! The last thing I wanted was to be late on my first day. I jumped into my car and turned on the GPS. Where's that paper with the address? I had yet to memorize it, so I ended up scrambling around the car until I found it. I gave a frustrated sigh and typed the address in. I couldn't stop shaking my leg, I was so nervous. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, I arrived at the studio. I glanced at my watch. 12:01. Well, I wouldn't say that was too bad, I thought grinning. I walked up to the entrance and grasped the handle of the door. I took a deep breath. Okay you can do this Naomi. It's just dancing. On live TV. Where people vote you off. I shook my head. Get ahold of yourself! Hope's words came back to me " Don't worry, you'll be fine. It seems scary at first, but your partner will undoubtedly be great and you'll have a blast!" I smiled slightly and opened the door.

I was met by a blast of cool air. I was standing in a lobby and I could see, from the glass door on the far wall, a dance studio inside. I looked around there wasn't anybody here yet. Suddenly I heard the door open and inside stepped....No, not my partner, but two men with a camera between them. They looked around and slightly jumped when their gaze fell on me.

"Oh, hi! Sorry, you scared us." said the taller (and more attractive) of the two. "I'm Matt and this is Steve. The smaller one, Steve, waved. "We're the camera crew! You're Naomi Reed, right?"

"That would be me!" I smiled. "Am I early or something? I thought it was supposed to be at twelve"

"Uh, well actually we're the ones late and your partner of course" Steve answered. "Though you got here almost exactly on time didn't you? I mean it's only 12:10"

I laughed, " Uh, yeah I was just really excited and didn't want to be late"

Matt chuckled, "Don't worry you're not the only one to have done that. In the past we've had celebrity's come hours early"

"So am I going to have to step outside so that you can get a real reaction from me?" I questioned. "I don't mind if I have to"

"Actually that would be great. I'm sure your partner will be here very soon. We"ll just wave you inside once he's here" Matt smiled and gently pushed me outside. "He'll come in through the back so you won't have to worry about seeing him ahead of time" "Because I'm sure you would not want that to happen" He said sarcastically.

"Definitely wouldn't!" I laughed. I headed into my car and waited. It didn't take long before a car pulled in. I strained my neck to see who was in the car, but it slid behind the building before I could catch a glimpse. "Dammit" I muttered.

Suddenly there was a flash as the door caught the light. I looked and saw Steve leaning out and waving to me. I sighed. Time for the show to start. Just don't be awkward or your shy self. I got out of the car for the second time that day and walked to the door. I slightly wanted to prolong this, so that I could cherish it more. I did like surprises, but it was time to face the music. I opened the door and stepped in. I took a deep breath and looked up. And froze. And felt my mouth drop to the floor.

"Oh my gosh" I whispered still in shock. "Oh my freakin' gosh!" I said it louder this time. "It's you!" I started jumping up and down. "Valentin Chmerkovskiy!"

And it was. It was the one, the only Valentin Chmerkovskiy.


Hey! Thanks for all those who read! I really hope you guys enjoy this story. I know it's kind of a strange place to end it, but my dad doesn't want me on the computer right now, and I thought it was kind of a good place to stop. Please comment or vote! It would really make me happy. Any ideas or thoughts would be great! Thanks for reading lovelies!

No copyright intended. Naomi Reed is the only character to belong to me.

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