Chapter 2

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The moonlight spilled into the country yard reflecting on water.Three tiers of stone was caught glittering in the spilled moonlight.2 minutes later,I looked at the water and it was turned into blackness literally all you could see was black I stood there and observed that blackness in the water.

Suddenly,The ballroom door opened and all you could hear was the music that was getting louder and louder every time you opened the door.As I entered I heard someone say "What took you so long?At first I thought you weren't coming".

I stared around the ballroom but I couldn't see anything then words mysteriously appeard saying"REMEMBER MYSTERY AT MIDNIGHT" I was really confused what did that mean maybe it meant something but I wasn't sure.It probably meant nothing or did it mean something I was super unsure maybe it was the wine that got me so confused."LOOK BEHIND THE PIANO" said someone dear ______ BEAWARE something or someone might approach or appear what ever you do just remember "MYSTERY AT MIDNIGHT"...


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