part 4

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They made their way back to an apartment complex Aaliyah was staying at, soon to realise that they lived in the same one...

Aaliyah's POV

We pulled up to my apartment complex, I looked out the window and the memories of first moving out here rushed back, it made me happy.
"Oh wait I just realised we must live in the same complex" Kian stated with a smirk,
"Ah no way! That's cool" I said getting by laptop and bag out of the back seat,
"what floor do you guys live on?"
"Floor 9, what about you?" Jc said,
"I'm on 13, it's so cool I can literally step from my door to the roof" I said excitedly,
"Wait that's the penthouse level isn't it?" Kian smiled,
"Um yeah, I mean I love what I do so, I wanted to treat myself"

We all got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. I stumbled over some pebbles on the ground, and fell on my hands and knees. "Fuck" I silently whispered to myself, I looked up and Kian and Jc looked amused. "What are you looking at, shitbags" I spat, now sitting on my thighs. Kian reached his hand out and I took it in mine. It's so soft, wow snap out of it Aaliyah. Once I was up, I've pushed the pebbles that were left on my knees, and continued walking. After the incident we walked in silence, till we got to the elevator. We got in and each pressed our designated floors. Whilst we stood in the awkward silence, until it got floor seven.

"Hey Aaliyah?" Kian said nervously,
"Yeah, what's up?" I replied,
"I know I've already asked but, can I get your number? I'd love to having out sometime, if you would"
"Hmm, let me think" I said sarcastically, a frown plastering Kian's face as I burst out laughter, he looked at me confusingly,
"Of course you can, dimwit" I said with a cheesy smile,
"I thought I was going to get rejected! again. That's nasty!"
"Hey well why don't you and Jc come to my apartment, once Jc puts his stuff away of course?" I said questioningly,
"Uh sorry Aaliyah, I have to edit, I would've if I wasn't" said Jc,
"Well that leaves you Kian, what do you say?" I said,
"Yeah sure, there's no point in going home when I don't need to do I'll just come straight up with you?" Kian said as we reached the 9th floor.

Jc picked up his suitcase and bid us goodbye, on the way to the thirteenth floor, there was a comfortable silence between Kian and I, it was nice, just silence. Until he had to open his mouth, Jesus this kid can't be quiet for two seconds.

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