18 - Coffee Sesh

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"Marry me." He whispered.

Hana tried her hardest from going stiff in Yoongi's arms. She regulated her breathing, kept her eyes close and prayed her erratic heartbeat went unnoticed.

She had expected this since the day she accidentally found the small black velvet box in his office's drawer.

She wasn't snooping. She merely wanted to surprise Yoongi by placing his birthday gift in there last year.

She was the one surprised.

All possible reactions — if ever he popped the question — had played through her mind.

All pros and cons had been weighed and yet she couldn't find a definite answer.

She kept her eyes close and soon she fell asleep.


"So what do I do now?" Hana asked while playing with the napkins on the table.

Taehyung looked at her and then turned to Jimin who in turn looked at Taehyung before looking back at her.

She would've laughed at how it was funny but she was too stressed out to care.

Taehyung sighed and leaned back in his chair, sipping on his strawberry milkshake. "Why do you think people get married, noona?"

"That's exactly my point!" She exasperatedly pointed it out, literally on the table with her forefinger. "I was married before and thinking about it, there wasn't even a purpose."

Jimin chewed the insides of his cheek that Hana had noticed gone slimmer. "Noona, I don't think that's what Taehyungie is trying to say."

Taehyung looked at his boyfriend and smiled before turning towards her again. "People get married for that sense of belonging, for both sides of the parties. You're his and he's yours. You are in one circle instead of two circles overlapping each other."

Hana's eyebrows went up a few centimeters. When did he grow up?

"If you saw the ring last year that might mean he had the ring even longer than that." Jimin softly said. "He waited for three years anyway which means he might wait some more. And he asked you while he thought you were asleep. Maybe he wasn't that serious yet."

Hana nodded. Jimin had a point. She didn't have to freak out that much yet.


Which means it might happen in the future. It could be the near future.


Taehyung sighed again, probably noticing Hana's sudden panic attack again.

"Do you love Yoongi hyung?" He asked.

"Of course."

"What's the worst that could happen of you get married?"

"We divorce."

"What's the best that could happen?"

"I get to say I'm his wife. And he's my husband. We stay together until we're old, happily making fun of the other, spoiling Ha Young's children, counting grey hairs and wrinkles. And die holding the other's hand, thinking about the days we lived together." Hana's last words came out as whispers.

"And how is that lesser than to being divorced?"

Hana smiled. Taehyung and Jimin were right. Even if there was a possibility of them not making it to the end, the possibility of it happening was more enticing.

Also, the main reason she didn't want to was because she didn't want to go through divorcing again.

Partly because she hated the procedures. Partly because she didn't want Ha Young to be seen in society as a daughter of twice divorced mother.

She never did care what people think of her. What people think of Ha Young though was a different matter altogether.

But what if they did make it?

"Noona," Taehyung spoke and she was pulled back to the present.


"Do you think...," The boy fiddled with his fingers, "hyung is going to adopt Ha Young? If you ever get married I mean."

Hana's eyes widened with the surprise question.

"Oh gosh, Taehyungie... No, he's not. You are Ha Young's appa. I think he understands that and he's perfectly fine just being around her." Hana reached out to his hand.

Taehyung nodded and smiled.

"Another thing noona,"


Taehyung looked at Jimin and she saw the shorter boy shook his head at the boyfriend.

"What's wrong?" Hana asked.

She watched Taehyung's other hand reaching for Jimin's smaller hand and clutched it tight. Jimin's other hand went to cover the side of his face that was facing Hana while he looked out the window at the passerby.

"If you want our honest opinion," Taehyung held Hana's hand tighter, "we think you should get married."


"Being able to get married is a privilege for some."

Hana's mouth was agaped for a while before her face showed regret. "Oh gosh boys I'm sorry. What was I thinking? I shouldn't have gone to you both about this."

"No really don't worry. We're glad you came to us. It makes us feel important." The boy holding her hand gave her the cutest box smile.

Hana blinked her tears away. She had nothing but good wishes for the couple in front of her. How she wanted them to have a happy ending.

Hana looked at Jimin who was still facing the window blinking rapidly. She noticed his nose had gone red.

She didn't say anything. Nothing could be said, really. So she cried silently.


Yoongi cradled his head in his hands. He had stayed in the office for lunch while Hana went for a "coffee sesh" as she and Taehyung called it.

He had work.

Truthfully though, he needed to think.

He asked her to marry him last night.

It turned out to be one of the worst mistakes he had ever done. Yoongi for sure knew it was not the best timing. He didn't have the ring at that time.

Above all else, he felt her going stiff in his arms when he whispered the words.

She was awake.

And she pretended not to hear.


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