Chapter 12

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Lyra POV

I was walking down the street holding Mateo hand. He wanted to take me out for lunch.

Mateo: bae you know your beautiful right

I smiled.

Me: thanks

We arrived at this place. We saw a little girl that looked about 5 with her clothes ripped and shoes messed up and hair all over the place. She was light skin and beautiful.

Me: babe look

I said pointing to the girl.

Mateo: what about her

Me: let's help her

We walked over to her.

Me: hey sweetie

She looked at me and started backing up.

Me: no no I'm not gonna hurt you

She stopped.

Me: what's your name

Girl: L-L-Layna

Me: well Layna what you doing out here

Layna: I don't have a home

Me: where's your mother

Layna: I don't have one

Mateo face frowned.

Me: are you hungry

She nodded.

I looked at Mateo and he nodded.

Me: come on

I grabbed her hand and we walked inside the restaurant. We got an table for 3 and sat down.

Mateo: how old are you Layna

She held up 4 fingers. The waitress came and we ordered some food.

After lunch

We was in the car. We had Layna. Right now me and Mateo are planning on putting this girl in an adoption center because she is to young to be out on these streets and I know how it feels. But first me and Mateo taking her shopping.

Layna: where are we going?

Me: to get you new stuff

Mateo: yep

We pulled up in front of The mall. We went inside and went to children's place. I got he 10 outfits and it came up to $150.00. I paid and we went to kids footlocker. Mateo bough her 5 pairs of shoes with 2 pairs of ugg boots. We went to boost and I bought her an iPad. Then I bought her a bookbag.

We then got in the car.

Layna: you gwuys didn't have to do twis

Me: yeah we did

We drove to the Miss Mary's Foster Care.

Mary: hi guys, welcome to Miss Mary's Foster care how may I help you

Mateo: we found this little girl on the street clothes all messed up, shoes torn to the ends just a mess, we for her something to eat, took her shopping, everything we could do for her

Me: and were too young to raise her

Mary: okay, follow me

We followed the lady. Layna grabbed my hand and I smiled. We past other kids. Some was older some was younger and some were babies. I saw Layna face pout. I picked her up. We arrived to thia room.

Mary: okay, what's the child name

Me: Layna

She typed in the computer.

Mary: woah, Layna Rogers, been to many Foster care and been kicked out

I frowned.

Me: so you can't take her in

Mary: I can I was just saying, she's four right

I nodded.

She started typing for a minute then stopped.

Mary: I need both of y'all signatures

I wrote mines first then Mateo did his second.

Mary: well , She's in

I smiled.

Me: it was an pleasure to meet you

Mary: you too, you guys did the right thing

Mateo nodded.

Layna pouted. Mateo picked her up.

Mateo: it's okay baby girl, were going to be here. Were gonna visit and everything. If you need anything you can call us. Love you

Layna: wove you too

She Hughes his neck.

Me: see you tomorrow beautiful

Layna waved her little fingers.

Me and Mateo walked out the place and got in the car.

Me: you know, we can be some awesome parents

Mateo: you got that right

Mateo pulled off and headed back to the  hotel.

Mya: so love birds, how was y'all day

Me: it was awesome

I smiled. My phone started ringing. Somebody was  face timing me. I accept. I saw Layna little face appeared.

Me: hey Layna girl

Layna: hi

We started talking to her. Letting her get to know everybody. She's an pretty awesome kid.

Maybe when I get older and settle in, I'm going to adopt her😊!

New chappy💛!


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