Outside the Den

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Soon enough, I opened my eyes and began to hear the sounds of the world. I saw my two brothers, dark brown and white with floppy eat and fluffy tails. I guess that's what I looked like too. Besides the occasional whine or yip, it was dark and quiet in the den, but outside was a world of new. The sweet hooting and chirping of creatures. The scurrying of feet as small mammals ran. There was one sound, though. One that stood out from all the others. Our mother never let us be out long after we heard it, but it was a curious noise. Like a creature yelling out- but not in pain. Like a battle cry, hoarse and deep that carried on the wind... It didn't take me long before I began to walk, run, and play with my brothers. Our mother never let us roam far from the den. We would tackle each other and nip at each other early and tails. The other creatures were just as fun. The small, fast ones with bushy tails and the ones that soared through the sky when you barked.  Occasionally new, larger animals would come near the den. Is spite of our attempts to see the newcomer, Mother would keep us behing her as she drew the tresspasser out of her territory. The most interesting creature though, was the humans. They we're coatless  except for a small path on their head. They spoke in a strange tongue unlike one I'd ever heard. They were fascinating. My brothers and I would watch them from the bushes, our tails wagging with curiosity. If we got too close though, our mother would herd us back. Always with the herding us back, hiding us, dragging us away by our scruffs. What could be so dangerous about a large creature? Our mom was a giant! What about a hoarse cry? Animals made wierd noises! And the humans? They didn't have coats, claws, or even teeth in their defense.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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