8 1 1

Phew. I sit in the school bus, a certain melody repeating in my head.
When I was young, my mother used to sing me a lullaby, it was the one from Cinderella.

"lavender blue, dilly dilly, lavender green.
when i am king, dilly dilly, you'll be my queen"

It was against the rules completely, but we did it anyway. It is one of my favorite memories with my mother, she and I never cared for the rules.

I hated it when I had to do everything the same as everyone else, but it seemed that everyone else were fine with it.

I hate to admit it,
But I'm different.

I don't know how, or why, but I can feel it. When everyone is so deadly silent, just because the demented government has sent the most horrific threats to anyone who disobeys "the system"; it's so controlling. I'm not allowed to talk unless demanded to and nobody is allowed to have a personality. I have no clue how they all don't care- like I need to have a personality , I need to- and I just can't help it.

Today in English, something weird happened. I was discussing the biology project with Kade, my lab partner, and then HE STARTED TO CHAT TO ME- NORMALLY!!!!!

This would earn him a horrendous punishment, so why was he doing it?

I was so dazed at his bold actions, that everything he said was just a blur- except one sentence :

"do you wanna hang out sometime?"
I had no idea how to respond!? We weren't even allowed to be TALKING, and here he was, asking me out?! I was flabbergasted, and stared at him confusedly for at least a minute.
" Alexis?? Earth to Alexis?"
Kade hopefully glances at me as he adorably bit his lip.
"s-sure?" I responded, my answer sounding more like a question.

"Great. I'll call you"

oh my gawddd?

my insides fluttered ad he grinned cheekily and winked, while walking out of the class.

wait- what am I DOING?? I could get SEVERELY PUNISHED for this?!
he is kinda cute though


NDSNJAKEKDNBDJSJQOOWOWOWOWO! Ily n thanks for reading! Also, I did the character aesthetics and also their faces!!!! btw shoutout to my bff CyaItalian for reminding me to update

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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